10 Điều Bạn KHÔNG Nên Làm Ở Việt Nam

It’s Covid time why would you want  to bring the shoes in the house Hi everyone welcome back to my channel my  name is van i’m vietnamese and i’m gonna   be your local tour guide who introduces you to  vietnamese culture food and travel so if you’d  

Like to learn more about vietnam don’t forget to  subscribe to my channel and hit that bell button   so you’ll be the first one to be notified for  my next videos so recently i did a video called  

A vietnamese reacts to seven things not to do  in vietnam by Cal Mckinley but today i’m gonna   do 10 things that you should not do in vietnam  under a vietnamese person perspectives i think   this video is going to be helpful for those of  you who plan on coming to vietnam because it can  

Help you mitigate the culture shocks and the  misunderstandings in terms of communications   due to the cultural differences so yeah without  further ado let’s get right into the first one   we compare the weather here especially in hanoi  to a teenager who is going to her or his puberty  

Because it is so unpredictable one day it can  go up to 40 degrees and then the next day it   can be rainy and cold also just because  we have a tropical climate doesn’t mean   we don’t have snow in Vietnam it can snow in  the northern mountainous regions of the country  

I personally made a mistake under dressing  when going back to hanoi in the winter   last year i was so sure that i  could handle the winter in vietnam   because i used to live seven years in one of  the coldest states in america but i was wrong  

It was freezing in december in hanoi even though  it was just like what like 10 degrees in celsius   which is 50 degrees in fahrenheit but it’s still  so cold guys and i finally know the reason why   is because vietnamese people don’t insulate their  homes like they have no carpets no fireplaces  

No heat in the house you know they just use the  legendary floral blanket that every asian knows   so yeah it might get very hot in vietnam  and it might get very cold in vietnam so   don’t underestimate the weather bring your  four seasons clothes because you never know

One of my favorite things when i came to the  u.s to study was that i could drink tap water   the water from the faucet but when you come  to vietnam keep in mind that vietnam is still   a developing country we still need to work on our  water contamination water pollution so the tap  

Water in vietnam is not safe to drink if you want  to drink water in vietnam i suggest you to buy   water dispensers or water bottles from  any convenience stores or supermarkets   or if you want to drink tap water just remember  to boil the tap water first before drinking it  

Even though you can’t drink tap water in Vietnam  it’s totally safe for you to take a shower   brush your teeth or like wash your  fruits and everything with tap water   if you accidentally drink tap water  while taking a shower you won’t die

All right number three is gonna be a  sensitive matter and i always don’t   like to talk about politics on my channel but  i think you guys should know this one because   i have seen a lot of incidents that foreigners  are being arrested for not knowing this rule

I know in america it’s okay for you  to make fun of your presidents like   you can make memes out of  them or you can make them rap but in vietnam making fun of the presidents  or the vietnamese national heroes is highly  

Prohibited so yeah making fun of the government  or taking pictures of any military installations   and equipment is considered a breach of  national security and you could end up in   jail so you need to know this vietnamese culture  to understand why vietnam takes it so seriously  

For most of the time in the past vietnamese  people have fought many foreign troops to   protect our freedom and that’s why vietnamese  people are very proud of the national heroes like   ho chi minh or vo nguyen giap that’s the  reason why when you make fun of them  

In public it’s gonna get very offensive so please  be careful with any political topics in public   maybe keep those conversation in your room because  i don’t want you to spend your vacations in jail alright so let’s say that you are in vietnam  and a vietnamese person invites you to his or  

Her house to have a dinner because that’s how  friendly vietnamese people are right one of the   unspoken rules in many asian  countries especially in vietnam   is that you should take off your  shoes before entering their house   when you enter someone’s house taking off your  shoes show that you care enough about them  

And the cleanliness of their home to go  an extra mile and remove your shoes in fact   vietnamese people are more family oriented  and we tend to have less personal space   than westerners, so there will be a lot of  family gatherings and many activities happen  

On the floor like having hot pot on the floor  playing cards or chit chatting on the floor so   yeah we don’t want you to bring germs from the  outside to our floor where we’re gonna sit on it  

Or like sleep on it you know and it’s covet time  why would you want to bring the shoes in the house alright so you get into the house without  your shoes on congratulations you did a   great job and now the hosts invite you  to sit down and ready to have a dinner  

You should not play with your chopsticks i did  a whole video about vietnamese dining etiquette   and i’m gonna leave the link up here so you guys  can check it out but for the sake of this video   i’m just gonna quickly explain why you shouldn’t  play with your chopsticks you shouldn’t knock  

Your chopsticks to the bowl because it’s  like inviting ghosts or wandering spirits   from the outside to the house and they might bring  bad luck to the family also you shouldn’t stick   your chopsticks straight into the rice because  it reminds vietnamese people of funerals people  

Usually stick burning incense into rice to honor  the dead people these customs are heavily applied   in the northern part of vietnam so if you’re from  the central region or the southern part of vietnam   uh don’t hesitate to comment down below to let  me know if you guys apply these customs too

Vietnamese traffic can be tricky or chaotic for  you if this is your first time visiting vietnam   but no worry let me show you how to cross the  road properly alright guys so today i’m going  

To teach you guys how to cross the road in vietnam  step number one put out your hand like this if you   are too scared so you can give the people  signal that you’re about to cross the road   step two go with a steady speed  and try not to stop suddenly  

Step three pray yup just pray that you can survive  all right so let me demonstrate you okay let’s go mission complete pickpocketing and bag snatching can be common  problems in many tourist attractions in many   countries including vietnam although vietnam  remains a safe destination for tourists  

Bag snatching can be a serious problem in the  southern part of vietnam especially in ho chi   minh city so if you don’t want to be a victim  of bag snatching you should hold your purse  

In front of you or you can wrap it around your  shoulder never have your phone in public like this   or your camera or any of your valuable  belongings and remove any unnecessary   jewelries i keep separate sums of  money in different bags or pockets  

Any locations that you feel safe so  you can have back up once it’s lost temples and pagodas are considered as  religious places that are very sacred   so you should show your respect and you  shouldn’t wear any inappropriate clothes  

In appropriate clothes mean no shorts no skirts  no bare shoulders anything that reveals a lot of   your skin vietnamese generally have conservative  dress codes so if you don’t pay attention to   what you wear before visiting those religious  places it’s considered rude and disrespectful  

When you speak vietnamese to local people  and they laugh at your broken vietnamese   it doesn’t mean that they’re making fun of you  in fact they think that you are cool or cute   it’s just a vietnamese thing a vietnamese culture  thing you know we vietnamese get very excited when  

We see a foreigner tries to speak our language and  we really like foreigners who attempt to speak our   language because our language is pretty damn hard  you know we have six different tones and if you  

Don’t make like a perfect pitch or vowels uh one  word can means another remember when i first came   to the us i didn’t know how to pronounce the word  coke instead i pronounced c*ck would you laugh  

At me if i mispronounced that word you know like  and i didn’t even know that i mispronounced that   word so yeah just don’t get offended uh because  it’s normal laughing at somebody’s embarrassment   in vietnam is a way of helping them make a  light of that situation it is not intended  

To offend you or to make fun of you so yeah  don’t take it personally everyone makes mistake   keep asking the local how to pronounce vietnamese  words and i bet they will be happy to help you   keep in mind that vietnam is not a perfect country  

No country is perfect even when i stay in one of  the best countries in the world it still has flaws   but isn’t it a beauty of the world where we can  see different places different people different   languages different cultures and we can all learn  from each other when you travel to vietnam don’t  

Get too shocked when you can’t drink tap water  or the weather here it’s just so fluctuated or   vietnam has so many trash and it’s not as clean  as singapore and the u.s is still a developing   country and why i’m making youtube video to  raise awareness so yeah just travel with an  

Open mind and a warm heart and i bet your best  experience will come from unexpected moments when   you travel to vietnam so yeah those are the  10 things that you should not do in vietnam  

And if you find this video helpful don’t forget  to give me a thumbs up and don’t forget to share   this video to your friends so they know too  alright i’ll see you guys in the next one bye


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