10 Điều Chúng Tôi Ước Gì Được Biết TRƯỚC KHI ĐẾN VIỆT NAM VÀO NĂM 2023

So my fiance Lloyd and i have been  travelling Vietnam for almost a month   now and there are a few things that  we wish we knew before we came here   so here are our top 10 things we wish  we knew before coming to Vietnam in 2022

In my opinion, i thought Vietnam would be a little  bit more underdeveloped than what it is I guess i   it was sort of misrepresented to me maybe just  as a Canadian but i thought it would be a lot  

More rural not as built up as it is i’ve noticed  that a lot of other people sort of felt the same   in the comments so that’s a huge thing that took  us by surprise and maybe something that not a lot  

Of other people would know as well ho chi Minh  city was crazy all of the cities that we sort of   visited they’re very developed and westernized  and i was really pleasantly surprised but there   also is still that old school traditional aspect  to it as well Hanoi is a lot more traditional  

Feel i guess to it but it still has that modern  city feel to it which i was really surprised by   every major city really has what you would get in  any western city which is a bit surprising yeah

So vietnam, in general, is a night place um  i think that’s mostly due to the hot weather   during the day uh the local people tend  to prefer to stay out of the sun and even   the tourists as well but at night time  everything lights up the city lights up  

Everybody comes out and hangs out there’s  lots to do at night there’s always live music   markets the traffic gets a lot busier the streets  are hectic it feels like everybody’s sort of   tucked away in their hotel room or at home during  the day and at night everything just comes alive  

Normally we are mourning people and so  usually we plan our activities during the day   and usually are home by at the latest 10 o’clock  but during our time in vietnam we’ve sort of   had to swap that so we could have the actual  experience of being around all the other people  

So it’s something to keep in mind if you aren’t  a night person might not be your favourite place   that being said if you don’t mind the heat  you still can go out and do things as well

So getting around in vietnam is super easy and  the main reason is there’s a lot of sleeper buses   and sleeper trains you can also catch  these buses and trains during the day   but you tend to save a bit of money when you’re  catching them overnight because you’re not paying  

For your accommodation and they’re absolutely  everywhere they’re very cheap there’s different   standards of sleeper buses where you can get  like a more local price and then you can step   up to a vip price where it’s a little bit more  luxurious and then even go higher than that which  

Is a vip private cabin which we’ve done all three  of those i probably would recommend spending the   extra money for the extra comfort it’s  like only about 30 bucks to go from   ho chi minh city to da nang which is  like i think an eight hour drive and  

There’s also overnight sleeper trains which we  haven’t done yet we’re doing that tonight but   getting around in vietnam sleeper buses and  sleeper trains super easy it’s a very easy   country to get around in yeah and it’s nice to  just be able to jump on a bus or a train and go  

To sleep on it and wake up in a new city which  is kind of the best way to travel i think yeah so there’s a huge coffee community and coffee  is huge here in Vietnam so like we said during  

The day there’s not a whole lot going on  and people like to hide away from the sun   but there are a lot of cafes here in Vietnam and  that’s usually what people do if they’re up during   the day they’re in a cafe drinking coffee our  favourite is actually the peach ice teas that  

They do here they’re so good we’ve become addicted  to them that’s sort of what most people do during   the day here i think saying that there’s a lot  of cafes is an understatement like almost every   second building is a cafe and we don’t drink  coffee anymore but from what we’re told the  

Vietnamese coffee is very strong and very good and  you have to try the egg coffee which we actually   did try yeah a little bit sweet for us but i’ve  heard some people get pretty addicted to it so this actually took me completely by  surprise when we landed at the airport  

And were picked up by our grab driver he was  driving on the other side of the road so they   drive on the right-hand side of the road here  which was a complete shock to me i had no idea  

I don’t actually know why because the rest of  south-east asia or asia countries in general   drive on the left as do english countries but  yeah they drive on the right-hand side of the   road so be careful when you’re crossing the  road because a few times at night we’ll be  

Looking the wrong way and a motorbike or a car  will just come zooming past because you’re not   expecting it it’s on the opposite side of the  road however if you’re from america or europe   you’re probably used to it anyway so yeah i’m  all kinds of messed up i don’t i don’t ever know

So out of everywhere that we’ve traveled in  southeast asia so far vietnam probably speaks   the least amount of english which is probably  a good thing to note sometimes communication   can be a little bit difficult if you don’t  speak the language definitely yeah the least  

Amount of english spoken here in comparison to  thailand and bali where we were previously for   sure but one thing i’ve noticed is they are more  willing to use google translate with you in bali   and thailand i felt like they tended to try and  just communicate rather than in vietnam they’ll  

Actually just pull their phone out and type it  out in google translate and you can get your   communication across so it isn’t too hard but in  general a lot less english-speaking people here when you’re coming to vietnam if you aren’t sure  exactly what you want to do while you’re here  

Where you should splurge your money our absolute  favorite thing that we did while we were here that   was the most probably the most touristy thing we  did was a cruise in halong bay uh we did a luxury  

Cruise it was absolutely amazing yeah this was  something that i was told by a lot of people to do   i usually when i get told by many people  to do something my first reaction is oh   it’s really touristy it’s going to be  expensive there’s going to be heaps of  

People there and it’s not going to be worth  it i’m going to feel like i got ripped off   but we did it we spent some money doing it  and i don’t regret any minute of it because  

Along bay is probably the most beautiful place  in vietnam yeah the best scenery it is a little   bit still touristy like there’s a lot of boats  out there but you’re on your individual boat so  

It’s not like it feels crowded and the one we got  which we’ll put the link in the description was   amazing yeah there’s cheaper options there’s  more expensive options this was pretty top of   the line pretty luxury but definitely recommend  going to ha long bay if you’re coming to vietnam

So one of the first things that we noticed when  we arrived in vietnam was the french influence   which was pretty surprising but it was very  predominant in saigon that was like the first   thing that we noticed as usual i didn’t do much  research before coming here i had no idea that  

The french actually controlled vietnam for so  long so what you see here is a lot of bakeries   a lot of cafes as we mentioned earlier and just  a lot of french style buildings and hotels which   it’s actually really cool because it feels  like a european city especially saigon has  

Been dropped into southeast asia and it was  just completely unexpected but had i’ve known   that before coming here probably would have  been even more excited to come here because   it’s such a culture change than everywhere  else we’ve been in south east asia so far

So this is sort of a funny thing that we learned  we did one of the best food tours while we   were in saigon we will link it above if you’re  interested in watching it was through xo tours  

And our tour guide actually taught us i while  we were eating the food i was often saying yum   but she said not to say yum but to say yummy  because yum in vietnamese means horny mandy  

Kept saying it and she kept laughing and saying no  no no don’t say it so if you are indulging in food   say yummy don’t say yum and you won’t make a fool  of yourself like i did many times if your waiter  

Comes over and says how is your food and you say  yum you’re probably gonna get a funny look yeah and finally we’ve come to number one which is  lloyd’s favorite and probably my favorite as   well so beer in vietnam not only is it pronounced  beer which is good for me because i’m australian  

And that’s how i say it so when i order it’s super  easy it’s so cheap even if you’re eating out at a   nice restaurant the most you’re gonna pay i reckon  is a dollar fifty two dollars australian if you go  

To a store and buy it you’re looking at like 80  cents it’s honestly as cheap as soft drinks or   water it’s way cheaper than coffee and there is  a really big beer drinking culture we’re actually   here in hanoi and there’s a place here called beer  corner where it’s basically just chairs set up  

Across this intersection and everyone’s drinking  beer there’s about four or five different local   beers to try they’re all good but it’s super cheap  i would say this is a good thing and a bad thing   because there hasn’t been many days we’ve been  here without having a beer yeah like we love  

Sitting at the local faux stations just on the  side of the road on the little plastic chairs and   even you know the older women are drinking beer  as well and everyone’s drinking beer around you  

And it feels like you’re not amongst it if you’re  not having a beer i i just really love in canada i   don’t feel like older women um would sit down on  a little plastic chair and drink a beer with ice  

I just i love that it’s just so different than  anything i’ve ever grown up knowing um but yeah   it’s been really hard saying no when everyone else  is doing it around you so it’s a blessing and a  

Curse but we have loved it uh we’ve loved every  minute of it and just as a little bonus they do   sometimes serve beer pretty warm here but it’s  very normal to have beer with ice we found the  

Same thing in thailand i’m actually used to it  now and i like it it dilutes it a little bit   but maybe that’s a good thing because you’re  not going to get us drunk and you just reminded  

Me about one other thing if you’re a big guy  like me be prepared to sit on very very small   stools double up because they do break actually i  actually broke one you haven’t broke one yeah so  

Yeah yeah that hurt my self-esteem a bit  yeah but the ice thing if you’re not into it   i don’t know i just don’t like drinking warm  beer so i’d rather drink ice yeah honestly we   have really really really loved our time here in  vietnam um we’re really sad that our time here is  

Coming to a close but if we can give any bit of  advice and if you are looking for somewhere that   you want to go you’re trying to plan a trip at the  moment maybe you’re tight on budget or you just  

Want to go on an adventure vietnam is the place  yeah actually we didn’t mention that it’s probably   cheaper than thailand and indonesia as well in  general yeah and it feels like it kind of has  

The most culture to it out of all three but we’re  going to do a separate video comparing the three   so yeah we’ll leave that to later we hope you guys  have found this video helpful in some way if you  

Have any questions fire them down in the comments  section if you did find it helpful don’t forget to   hit the like button and subscribe to our channel  we upload every other day i just want to throw  

Something in guys if you don’t know we have a  podcast that we release every wednesday um it’s on   a separate channel which we’ll link down below as  well or we’ll link up top we’ll link it somewhere  

Um so make sure you tune into that and subscribe  because we’re trying to grow our audience on that   channel as well yeah um we do a more unfiltered  even more unfiltered version of ourselves on the  

Podcast i think so you can get to know us a  little bit better and have a laugh and follow   our travels even deeper thank you guys so much  for watching and we will see you in the next one you


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