5 TRUYỀN HÌNH LỪA ĐẢO PHỔ BIẾN NHẤT VIỆT NAM Xảy Ra Vào Ban Đêm | (Cuộc sống về đêm của Việt Nam)

Vietnamese people are proud to show foreigners their Beloved Country and it’s easy to see why the scenery is breathtaking and the people are wonderful well almost all of them unfortunately as with any tourist destination there are scammers and con artists out to steal your money and valuables so in today’s video we will

Point out the five most common Vietnam nightlife scams in 2022 at number five we have speed thieves considered the following scenario you are sitting in a cafe or chatting on a street corner a scooter with a pillion passenger approaches the passenger grabs your bag and the scooter speeds away pedestrians

On saigons streets are especially vulnerable to this one so how can you avoid it use a bag with a clasp catch or a strong shoulder strap if you’re sitting in a Street Cafe Loop the strap through your table leg and avoid sitting Street side number four fake leather

Shops in Hawaii on and Saigon are well known for their handcrafted leather goods particularly bags belts and shoes to entice potential customers the examples on display are usually created using the real thing bespoke items are frequently partially counterfeit with leather outers but plastic Linings or shoe inserts check your garment

Thoroughly before paying if you suspect it’s a forgery use a lighter to heat a piece of metal and hold it to the plastic which will melt then request that your garment be remade number three just not the ticket this scam is especially common at Hanoi concert

Venues while waiting in line to buy a show ticket you are informed that all of the cheaper seats are sold out and that you must purchase a much more expensive alternative always ask the ticket seller to double check and if in doubt politely tell them that you don’t understand the

Problem then ask a local for assistance in purchasing what your require the Vietnamese are eager to assist tourists number two colored by the dollar prices in Vietnam are frequently abbreviated and sometimes quoted in U.S currency so 10 can either mean 10 or 10 000 dong check exactly how much money you’ve been

Asked for especially in popular tourist bars and restaurants and if you’re paying in dollars make sure you’re getting the correct change based on both current exchange rates and note denominations before moving to the number one scam here are a few other scams money switch this is usually attempted by motorbike taxi drivers they

Use sleight of hand to exchange whatever money you give them for smaller denominations and then they put on a dramatic show of outrage to make it appear that you’re the one trying to rip them off the most common scenario is exchanging a 500 000 Vietnamese Dong notes for 20 000 Vietnamese dog notes

Which is a simple trick to pull because they’re both blue hang with small bills is the best way to avoid this break up larger bills at convenience stores restaurants or other reputable establishments old SIM cards for new purchasing a SIM card for your mobile phone in Vietnam couldn’t be easier with

Every Outlet selling them from official Telecom shops to corner stores and there’s no need to provide personal information be wary of the cheapest deals which are frequently found in unofficial flyby night stores that buy in bulk from official outlets at reduced prices so you might be thinking what’s

The problem with that because they begin once cards are purchased from official Outlets your low cost with data plan may be days old by the time you begin using it and finally at number one we have fake taxis venison white and myelin green are the two best companies in

Vietnam with a few exceptions their drivers are trustworthy unfortunately other businesses use the same color schemes Their trick is to point out their meter everyone knows to avoid taxis without one on which your fare begins to rise suspiciously quickly be cautious when paying cab drivers like motorcycle taxi drivers who will frequently attempt the money switch scam to be safe stick to the real thing venison or myelin or use

A reputable app like grab or Uber foreign If you learned anything in today’s video be sure to smash that like button and don’t forget to subscribe for more daily travel knowledge thanks for watching and see you in the next video


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