Thử thách phở miền Bắc với chả giò tại Hà Nội, Việt Nam!!

Hey everybody this is Randy Santel, “Atlas” and I am very very excited. I had a great time getting those two food challenge wins in Seoul of South Korea. Well this morning my sister and I, we traveled to Hanoi in northern Vietnam and

I’m going for my first win in the country of Vietnam which will be country number 35. I’m going for overall win number 786. I am here at New York Sports Bar. I’m taking on their brand new Vietnamese Pho Challenge. It looks amazing. I’ve only got 30 minutes to finish everything here. We’ve

Got this massive bowl of Vietnamese pho, filled with the whole bunch of their noodles, along with some beef, and then we’ve got a whole bunch of healthy vegetables. I do have to finish the pho broth so along with all this, we’ve got a

Dozen of their spring rolls. So and each of these have a northern Vietnam or Hanoi spin to it. But if I fail within the 30 minutes I am going to have to pay 500,000 Vietnamese Dong which is around 20 US dollars. If I finish, I’ll get the

Meal free, I will get a sweet t-shirt, and I’ll be the very first person up on their Wall of Fame. Let’s get this challenge started! Alright big thank you to my friend Rory. He’s the general manager here that helped put this all together, but nobody’s beaten this thing. I’m the first

To attempt it, so no record to beat. Let’s just shut up and eat, and enjoy finally having some Vietnamese pho in Vietnam, so let’s do it! 1, 2, 3, Boom!! Alright I failed with the chopsticks trying that ramen yesterday. We’ll see how I do on this pho. Starting to get sweaty!

Randy! Randy! Randy! I was about to get cocky and order a beer during this, but I’m glad I didn’t. A lot of noodles! They’re delicious! We are nine minutes in. We still have 21 minutes to go. I’m gonna finish a little bit more of these noodles and then have these spring rolls.

My stomach is starting to concede to what’s going on. I feel better. 12 minutes 40 seconds, still have plenty of time. Each of these is filled with the pork mince, some healthy vegetables, and then glass noodles. Gonna get the rest down and then we’ll finish this broth!

Alright, we’re 17 minutes in. Gonna finish off these healthy carrots with all the spring rolls. Then we’ll do all the broth. Just a few noodles left but gonna get the win! Vitamin A! it may look like I’m struggling but I’m really just taking time to enjoy it.

The pho broth, yeah it’s delicious, very flavorful. Alright, let’s do this! That was so good, loved every bit of that, especially those spring rolls. My first time having those kind fried like that but really enjoyed it so my final time was 22 minutes and 5 seconds for the

Delicious pho and spring roll challenge here at New York Sports Bar in Hanoi, Vietnam. Delicious meal I’m going to get the 500,000 Vietnamese Dong meal for free which is around twenty US dollars. I will get a sweet t-shirt and

I’ll be the first person to have my name and photo added up on the wall of fame. so big thank you to all of you guys for coming. I really appreciate all the support!! Big thanks again to my friend Rory, the general manager here

At New York Sports Bar. It was my first win in the country of Vietnam. Overall win number 786 and now I’ve got wins in 35 countries. Just 15 more until I get to my goal of 50, so thank you guys for watching!


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