Wish Hello guys we are in ho chi minh city this evening this city is insane it’s so busy there are so many scooters cars and driving around with this bike is like fun exciting but also scary at the same time in today’s video i want to show you

The night live here in ho chi minh city or saigon i don’t know what to expect because it’s also my first time so i will just bring you with me and we’ll discover together how’s the nightlife here in ho chi minh city so far i’m really enjoying this city it’s really

Beautiful even look at this background this bridge the skyline behind me there here there is the biggest tower of saigon it’s a really nice city but extremely chaotic and extremely busy so we’re gonna drive the motorbike to the nightlife area and we’ll discover it together so sit back relax and enjoy this video And i don’t know if you can see this but basically everybody’s flying an eagle here during sunset i don’t know if it’s a special event or it’s going on every single day but there is such a magic atmosphere there must be like thousands of people all around here everybody flying All right guys i came back to the hotel i dropped my motorbike and i want to go out without bike because i don’t like to drive night time in a city that i don’t know and here it’s crazy and also i might drink a couple of beers and i

Don’t want to get in trouble so i researched a little bit and i discovered that there are two main attractions for the nightlife in saigon the first one is walking street which is also the central boulevard that goes straight to the sea and i want to bring you there first and

After that we go to the most famous crazy backpacker party area which is bouien that part let me tell you it’s insane so let’s get a grab and let’s go first to guyan boulevard okay guys we made it to boulevard man i like this place a lot

You know the temperature is perfect it’s not too hot it’s not too humid it’s just perfect and the vibe is really good there are a lot of people around it kind of feels like i’m in barcelona or some european country just really really nice Look how many people in the street they’re just packed with people having a great time i really like it so many lights so music around so lively My gopro microphone decided not to work tonight but what i was saying is that i really miss this kind of boulevard like european style where you can just hang out walk see people lights and just have a great time in thailand for example it’s lacking this kind of streets and

Boulevards where you can just walk around and relax and this is so barcelona I’m really surprised guys to see that is mostly local people vietnamese people i don’t see many tourists and many foreigners around very surprising Also here the mic was not working but what i was saying is that it’s 10 p.m and it’s time to leave this area and go to the crazy part of bouillon to be honest this is more my style like this kind of like walking boulevard more relaxed more enjoyable but i don’t mind

To go and check out building street because i heard it’s crazy and i never been there and i’m curious to check it out so let’s get a grub and let’s go to movie stream okay what you say what do you say i take my friend lighter if many businesses call me i like

Yeah okay guys we made it to bouillon street it’s so loud okay you’re walking in hey guys welcome to bouillon this road is crazy Wish [Applause] I wish Wow So So guys that road it’s insane did you just see what happened hello it’s so crazy it’s like panda road and castle road on steroids it’s insane Wish Because I wish


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