Uống nước đá ở Việt Nam có an toàn không?

Hey everyone I wanted to do a video today to talk about is it safe to drink ice in Vietnam through all the tours that I’ve done with our company back like tours I know that this is a common question that people ask they’re really concerned about when they come to be

Anomaly first thing I’m gonna tell you local Vietnamese cannot drink dirty ice and they cannot drink dirty water they get sick just like you or or anybody else we all get sick when we drink to tam a water it’s just not okay sure if you’re from somewhere where

You’re used to having a little bit more bacteria than maybe what’s introduced in more Western countries like America and Canada and Australia these places sure you might be more at risk your your stomach might be a little bit more susceptible to getting sick but this isn’t something you should worry

When you’re coming to somewhere like my favorite coffee shop here spotlight cafe I don’t even think about is it okay for me to drink that I see you because of course it is there’s no way that they’re gonna put their business at risk serving just dirty ice it’s just not something

That is gonna happen I do want to show you though when you’re traveling around and so this is my nice iced coffee here and I have a little bit of iced tea which if you check out our video is it safe to drink water and Vietnam you’re

Gonna find out why there’s ice tea everywhere well what I want to show you here and I’m gonna try to bring this up to the camera and what you’ll see is that this is a small ice cube that actually has a little hole in the center

Of it now this is everybody knows that this ice is the safest it’s the most expensive ice that you can buy in Ho Chi Minh City and it’s a little bit harder to keep because it’s not this big block ice it’s gonna melt faster but usually

This is the ice that you want to see in your your drinks and typically this is gonna be the ice that you find now when you go to a beer restaurant found throughout all the amount which I highly recommend you go to a beer restaurant but you’re gonna see big chunks of ice

That are being put into a glass and that’s for us to put both beer over because there’s just not so much refrigeration to keep all of the beer cold that these restaurants go through tonight so we often drink a beer over ice and if you’re coming on vacation

You’re gonna want to have a beer and you’re probably going to have it over ice if you’re eating a drinking logo so those are those are my tips I really wouldn’t worry too much about it especially when you’re eating at restaurants and hotels and even street vendors one thing that you have

To keep in mind is this street food vendor this is their livelihood they’re not going to put their livelihood at risk over serving their customers dirty-ice you do want to be aware if you are traveling in rural places places that are poor where people have less options that’s when you’re maybe putting

Yourself at risk because maybe the education level isn’t there people don’t know much about contamination these kinds of things but when you’re somewhere like here in the middle of district 4 in Ho Chi Minh City it’s just not something that you need to be concerned about you’re gonna be just you’re gonna be


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