Phố đi bộ Bùi Viện Girly Bars Vietnam Nightlife

Hell yeah okay let’s see awesome Miss Saigon ran down there after vlogging smashing a whole lot of freaking 10 to oh it wears up after about an hour or two but it should be all right she’ll be right all right guys uh walking Street push him in Down here walking straight I know it’s probably about a hundred meters 100 meters 120 meters 400 feet hey here it is There we are Happy Awesome you got the Minnie Mouse it’s like a uh Jim Carrey like Jim Carrey hello We’re in the local Mart off head off head Let’s get the bloody that was special very loud yeah oh music very loud very loud 19. the old 19. look at that that’s the old special we’re halfway down walking Street there they are walking Street got in the old Mart it’s not fun they’re my favorite pork noodles oh

We’re gonna head out here I’m nobody Come to me very long Hear the dog noise Club here we go whoa barbecue Seafood No good no money oh 25 for a beer um I just had a beer pretty quickly um no I’m gonna I’ll I’ll pass on there I ate a whole lot of food before to pass on um probably won’t have a beer for about like 278 seconds so I’m gonna

Wait and then I’ll be back okay cool Cheers Cheers got some restaurants down here Oh yeah crazy night why did you not I hope we’re just gonna do a quick Bloody Run career Oh My God How am I okay very good man way yeah there we go what do we got here one five nine one five nine here we are there’s an intersection here there’s an intersection there’s an intersection oh this place is crank it off its head there we go some more balloons Yeah all right Go in the corner hey what’s your respawn and Lance Foreign Here we are a bit quieter down here got a few restaurants here we’re on chilling having good food a lot of food having a food this is the restaurant area down here hang on a minute what do you got here whoa apart from getting run over by a bloody bike

Oh look at the old man me find me Hello one one please what’s a one pork one chicken you know what uh pork and Sim Tim oh but oh okay all pork okay one place yeah you’ve got the pork patties here look at that little rissoles look at these buns [Applause] Awesome awesome got the sauce going on yeah [Applause] oh yeah cucumber that tasting it toasting it tasting the bun I want some crispy warming up beautiful How much is that 50. Look at that beautiful 50. thank you come on come on come on awesome there he is hey another YouTuber hello hello hello awesome another YouTuber I’m walking straight well I’m gonna try this the band me try and find a quiet place down here tasty stuff all right hello hello how are you good

Little kid saying hello all right look at this bam move the trolley span me I found a bloody pet like a power box it’s just like a power box so the camera is up high there we go boom ban me and me we’ve got the nice roll you’ve got like the book patties

They built like two or three different sources on it the marinade or sauce really nice got the coriander and you’ve got the crunch of the uh the uh cucumber hello yeah we’re the kid I don’t know I don’t know what they’re selling I don’t know like they just came up and said hello

Cool got this hey how are yours ah family look I’m gonna bumped into all mate’s back we meet again hi friends we’ve got some uh special framed uh uh in the last bar the name of the bar you can see uh the street is uh very awesome foreign

That’s about it all right guys gonna wrap it up here thanks for watching and I’ll catch you in the next episode bye for now


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