Cô gái Việt Nam đã đưa tôi về nhà và làm tôi phát điên! 🇻🇳 (Cuộc sống về đêm Việt Nam)

I have wife I’m married in Italy what
really I’m not joking
no nice
nice no no I know one better my hotel
these are the couples that you will
encounter in
O Miss more than 9,000 shots in my
to your heart iy straight straight in
the dark finding the way way to your
heart iy
straight finding the way way to your
heart I Cony straight straight in the
dark I’m in the way wa to your heart on
I’m in the
way I’m in the
way 1 hour
later hey guys this is
Vietnam this is Vietnam guys
it’s not possible to do anything all the
normal girls will say no I don’t come to
you the first night but text me so let’s
see if they text me will mean
uh maybe the meaning of text me will be
I will come to your hotel later I don’t
know I don’t call the taxi because 3
hours to come save the Jordan always
tomorrow I’m going to
Philippine I’m going Manila
maybe I did a mistake I had to wait a
little bit more longer here in theam but
you know the first day was good the
second and third day I felt a lot of bad
vibes so I decided to buy it playing
ticket to Philippine but I will come
back for sure o you if you find normal
girls is not so bad 20 minutes
later oh it’s rain
some nice
nice no no I know one better my
hotel or
you you can go to Di
Italy you know
Italy pizza pizza you know
Pizza Pizza
Italy Marco
Marco maybe I know oh my
God that’s
your that’s
your to so why you going come to with
you that’s not you’re busy you’re that’s
not my place your place is
no money no
honey one day later Micha why you Marco
why you ended up always in this kind of
situation every time why why
why okay okay you can do it alone you
can do it alone I believe in you brother
I believe in you I believe
in let’s go we are in know City where
are we going brother coing tunnel cooing
tunnel to see the tunnel of the war in
Vietnam Vietnam P yes yes yes today we
are exploring the history of hushi
we have an happy Marco happy Marco why
are you so happy my friend man because
we are in my world here you know
exploration Jurassic work Jurassic Park
work we go shooting man really wow after
we go shooting you know guys you see I
have guns tattoo on my body and even
something else maybe one day I will tell
you the story of my tattoos because
because because because every tattoo I
have on my body have a story true story
you know everybody want to know this
[ __ ]
you like
this I quit YouTube
bye-bye like this one
AK-47 because I shoot with an
AK-47 this
one street tatto street stories when I
was younger one day I will say uh
remember people from the streets don’t
talk about the
streets right right yes and another one
is EDC EDC it’s there
here here I don’t
care say something serious this life is
not easy to be honest I change Hotel
almost every day travel every day change
place shoot
videos in this period I felt the
pressure you know the pressure of my
YouTube of the contents I got the injury
I start to meet the girls even if I had
the injuries to shoot the videos it’s
not easy and for me one day I really
will tell you my story I’m serious when
I was younger I lived one year in the
hospital I took many pills I had many
health problems uh I got depression I
got depression for years all my life I
fight to be a normal guy you know to
have uh the feelings that the other
normal guys have uh in the video you see
always happy people no problems night
life cool things but the reality of life
is that everyone have an history
everyone is a warri that fight against
something and for me this month was a
little bit difficult I was depressed a
little bit I don’t show because now I
can stay with my depression I learn it
how to do it I fought all my life
against against this I took many pills I
went to many doctor in when I was
younger especially Le one year in the
hospital guys uh I don’t wish this to
anyone neither to my enemies enemies I
got lot of enemies by the
way the way by I wish the best to
everyone is not easy as people show you
know it’s not easy as as people show we
all fight some Warrior inside we are all
Warriors and this is life it is what it
is Vietnam Vibes H you mean h you
mean Marco is preparing his Vlogs I
don’t say which kind of Vlog this guy
do this guy is an adult Tor right right
oh my gosh what’s this and guys by the
way I open patreon if we arrive to
€10,000 on patreon I will use this money
to give you for free the content that
you want to see because in life you have
always to face your fears you have
always to F your fears and uh one of my
fears is to become an adult actor so now
it will become for you 101,000 okay
10,000 10,000 is the money that we need
to start our project okay right support
the channel support
oh these are the bomb of the war of
Vietnam Marco explain us
something he YouTuber Marco now you the
movie the movie of Vietnam which is your
favorite Apocalypse Now Apocalypse
Now Apocalypse Now oh here we have the
guns they shoot with these guys wow
crazy this is the museum you see Marco
is uh best YouTuber alive inside the
jungle of Vietnam here they
was making the war this is they have
mins here if we press the the the wrong
things boom exploded I’m
joking this is the Jungle the Jungle the
Jungle the Jungle the Jungle the Jungle
the jungle look
guys this is the representation of what
they build to survive from the war
English crazy
guys that’s insane I’m very scared to be
honest they stays in this place you know
and now they built the cemetery before
was not like
this this was
crazy oh my gosh he’s so small I’m so
scared I’m little bit claustrophobic you
know guys that’s why I’m doing this to F
my can you hear the noise it’s crazy 15
tunnels Marco cannot pass from the
tunnel he’s a elephant you
know I am in a business meeting during
the war in Vietnam my
Marco it’s not Marco
theun of
crazyy they use this tuna to escape from
the soldier
and yeah the clu oh this was the warm up
they said crazy wow guys this was deep
imagine to do it alone during the night
during the war and they said there was
three level of tunnel first level
kitchen where they sleep second
level uh I don’t remember third level
the water and all this tunnel finish in
the river so in case of emergency they
they was going in the river you know to
save their lives it’s crazy crazy one
day later 6:00 a.m. in the morning I
just fed from Vietnam to Manila today is
the 14th February s Valentine to meet
one girl in Manila and she’s arriving in
my hotel I don’t know it’s 3 days that
I’m not sleeping you know I have
something here oh my gosh 3 days I’m not
sleeping I don’t know how I can do but
it is what it is see you later shoot
your feet like this and said I’m back to
finally baby you can talk or not I can
talk you can talk yeah why come back to
Philippine you yeah yeah I ask you to
come back to the Philippines no guys not
true I come back because I love
Filipinas no I’m joking I come back
today is the 14 is s Valentine and in my
life you like look good or bad oh I have
a camera in my life I said I have to do
something something crazy I was in
Vietnam I missed this girl a little bit
so I asked her you wanted to come she
said no so I
can welcome to the philippin welcome
back something to say why you show my
feet shy I don’t know why this Filipina
girl are so shy they don’t want to come
in my Vlogs you know when they know me
they don’t want to come when they don’t
know me they say yeah I love I love I
love it that’s life it is what it is
today we’re going uh uh today we do a
different video but it’s not good
because I cannot put her in the video
you know we’re going to do the couple a
little bit the fake couple you know open
relationship what do you think about
relationship it’s cool for some people
you know for you oh let me think about
it we’re Italian baby we’re gentlemen we
know how to do it you know you go where
are we going she’s bringing uh she’s
taking me to meet her family because she
told me I love you so much I want to
marry you my favorite lady boy all ni
baby tell me the two what you lady boy
girl he he likes too I me so much show
show the
hands she’s so proud of the hands yeah
huh maybe I want to sing a song same
same but different no money know honey
good boys go to Evan bad boys go to
Manila when you
hit a few Ines
later what’s up
so do you have a voice bab or not what’s
up bro what’s up bro you lady boy or
girl you know that no I don’t know I
know you’re lady boy Filipino
lady okay guys first two days in
Philippine I didn’t sleep nothing for
your fault you know babe it’s your fault
yeah because when I arrive you say okay
come come I come but I want to sleep
with you of
course baby say something of course it’s
boring if we talk
so what they can ask
you no it’s okay baby you know I have
wife I’m married in Italy what really
I’m not joking no really what I do I was
shy to tell you without camera you know
but with camera I feel more comfortable
to tell you it’s okay I’m not joking
baby I’m
serious I’m serious I was shy to tell
you with the no
camera is okay for you is a problem
no it’s
okaying she doesn’t want to be my
girlfriend I don’t know why why you
don’t want to be my girlfriend liar you
want to be liar you want to be my
girlfriend yesterday you told me I
cannot fully love
anymore didn’t I care only about my
career my business
so you won’t care about me
right I care about you you’re care about
me two days that you together HH is a
lot I never stay so much with a
girl yesterday night I feel she has to
go but I felt a little bit lonely you
know I want to stay with her so I say to
her okay you can work from here she
worked here and what the [ __ ] I didn’t
sleep nothing because she she work night
Swift and she was like talking every
time what the [ __ ] screaming at the
computer you didn’t make me sleep
much okay guys it’s time to go to the
gym now so see you in the next video
light up light


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