good afternoon from Hanoi Vietnam I am
currently walking the streets and I’m headed to
one of the biggest malls in Vietnam or in
Hanoi I should say probably in Vietnam as
well and one of the tallest buildings
in Hanoi as well which houses the mall
it’s the latte center l-o-t-t-e it’s the Korean
company it’s actually this building right here
and it is one of the tallest buildings here in
Hanoi we got a lot of big buildings in this area I
showing you small older Vietnam this area is like
Metro you know where all of the big buildings are
or many of the big buildings are
I should say and the malls and the
big shopping districts and condominium buildings
as well we got a lot around here but yeah I
figured since I’m here in Hanoi for one more day
let me show you guys what the mall looks like
hello [Applause] you got people playing some
soccer and basketball here pretty awesome
playing basketball that was the one cool
thing about the Philippines you could always
find some basketball games around but here
I think you could do it here in Vietnam as
well because basketball seems to be probably
the second most popular sport after football
alrighty so here we are this is the latte
Shopping Center I think I’m saying that
right Lottie or Lottie correct me if I’m
wrong let me know in the comments but yeah
is the entrance the main entrance here so
let’s go inside I’m gonna turn my camera
off because sometimes they give you a hard
time so alrighty guys welcome to the latte
shopping center because you can see you’ve got
some fancy Brands here Armani Prada Ralph Lauren
a coffee shop as soon as you walk in and places
to eat as in many countries in Southeast Asia
are also a popular thing here in Vietnam but not
as popular as they were in Indonesia definitely
see a lot more malls in Indonesia and I think
Malaysia as well because here people actually
um it’s actually not as hot here in uh Vietnam
as it is in you know the countries that I just
mentioned before so people actually do walk around
here this is more of a walking city than Jakarta
um and people do spend but but obviously a
mall is a Pastime everywhere in the world
now that wherever you go now so so I’m not
sure how big this mall is but it seems like
it’s like probably about four floors um
we got some all the fancy Brands here
I guess this is where the the wealthy shop you
know the people who have some money unlike me
Cole Haan sneakers I’ve never seen Cole Haan
sneakers pretty cool looking though we got
like some rugged terrain here let’s see how
much they would cost almost five million Dong
five million Dong that’s about hello
how are you sir just looking here
yeah so a bunch of looks like this is like where
all the shoes are you got different companies
Clark’s here so yeah five million Dong
thousand so you’re looking at about 217 dollars
217 USD for those Cool Cole Haan
sneakers that’s pretty steep but
that’s what it is in these fancy Brands
you know you have to uh spend that dough
I don’t mind spending some money on coffee
if you guys know me you know by now oh wrong
elevator if you guys know me you know by now
but I don’t mind spending money on coffee
I think a lot of my money goes to coffee
you know you gotta enjoy your
life whatever you do enjoy doing
sometimes you got to spend money on it you
know you don’t take it with you when you die so
let’s see how much a Champion sweatshirt is
something like this a basic Champion sweatshirt
let’s see how much they’re charging for that 1.29
million Vietnamese dongs 1.29 million Vietnamese
dong to give you guys the the mathematics
here Warren so that’s a basically 1.3 million
divided by 23 000. wow that’s 56 dollars for that
sweatshirt now this stuff is pretty expensive here
I’m not gonna lie um I think if you go to like
a Street Market maybe the quality might not be
as good but sometimes honestly even in the Street
Markets the quality is just as good um it’s just
they charge you they overcharge you in these
malls because of you know the the Ambiance of
the mall and they have to pay their staff and all
of that but the Street Markets you’ll get a lot
better prices um but hey if you’re a rich person
then what’s 56 dollars right plus my bags are so
full I try not to buy more clothes and if I do buy
something like I bought some t-shirts in Indonesia
um I bought some more t-shirts and I
actually threw I not threw away I gave away
um some of the t-shirts that I had because I don’t
want to overfill my bag I’m already having trouble
packing it so you got some North Face sneakers
never seen North Face sneakers interesting
please let’s see oh these are actually really nice
these are really cool I like the color hello
how are you how much are these how much
oh 3.5 million yeah pretty expensive
3.5 million so 3.5 million is about
more than a hundred something dollars that’s
not bad actually for those sneakers um those
those seem like they’re pretty pretty much worth
what they’re priced at 3.5 million is not bad
alrighty so this looks like a food court what do
they have here downtown drink maybe we can get
something to drink maybe some bubble tea I already
had a coffee today so maybe some bubble tea or
something see what they have here oh they got some
mocktails let’s see what they have downtown drink
anything any bubble tea type of things coffee and
tea Vietnamese coffee coffee with condensed milk
um and then some green tea or a Thai iced tea
wouldn’t mind a Thai iced tea to be honest
Thai iced tea hello Hi how
are you um hi how are you
um you have a Thai iced tea yes yeah to go it’s
okay take away yeah we have red tea or green
tea we like to Thai ice the regular red tea
yeah yeah um yeah I’ll take one of those yeah
some Vietnamese food here but if you’ve been
watching my videos you’ll know that the best
place to get food in Vietnam is street food
or those millions of restaurants that are out
in the on the road I wouldn’t I would never
get food from a mall here in Vietnam because
there’s no need the food and food and drinks
here are the the cheapest thing in Vietnam
um everything else is expensive as far as like
accommodation and uh taxis and stuff but as far
as like food and drink those are the you can know
you can bet your bottom dollar that that is the
cheapest thing hello all right the tea is ready
I don’t even need the bag I will drink it now
excited to try it look at this guys
we got a real Thai iced tea here
there’s a Skywalk so it seems like you’re kind of
like walking on the clouds which I really want to
show you guys and I want to experience it and then
apparently you can get a whole view of Vietnam
oh Vietnam I wish God sometimes when I
talk uh I’m sorry I’m like not 100 there
really enjoying my tea you know one thing I’ve
noticed about Vietnam and Vietnamese people is
that they really want to talk and socialize
but sometimes because of the language barrier
um they’re like afraid to to speak to you
because they they’re like they don’t want
to make a mistake or you know they want to
be able to like really have conversations
so they they you could tell they want to say
things to you sometimes but then they stop
themselves which which is a shame because
I I wouldn’t judge people you know I mean
obviously it’s not their first language I
mean and I can’t speak any Vietnamese so
but I could tell like they’re a bit apprehensive
sometimes to approach you but they want to which
I I try to make them feel open to talk but I think
it’s in the just in their culture like they feel
embarrassed if they can’t speak like perfectly
but I don’t know I never felt like that oh Nike
very nice and then these are the
ones that I have the Nike reacts
but not that color obviously I think that’s
for girls yeah it’s very nice thank you
so uh one reason why I don’t buy like these
kind of things here because I feel like
there’s always a premium here for these kind of
goods like Nike and all of this fashion brands
because I feel like back home in America I can
get all of these things really good quality for a
lot cheaper even at shopping malls I think there’s
always a bit of a premium in Asia for these things
and people are willing to pay it especially when
they have money the stealth this is actually a
good driver for all of my golf heads out there
this is one of the better drivers out there
I bet you it’s pretty expensive here
kind of curious to know how much they
charge 18 million geez that’s expensive
Hi how are you I’m just looking
a video about this mall yeah I
love playing golf yeah do you play
golf do you do what’s your handicap
30. that’s not bad that’s like around I just broke
a hundred recently very recently I
got like 95 yeah I was very happy
this is the good good this is
a good club TaylorMade stuff
is golf popular in Vietnam is golf is it popular
in Vietnam many many people play golf yes yeah
very nice
you know they say golf is uh the rich man sport
but you could find ways to to get around but it
does cost a lot of money it’s different than
other games where you can just go run onto a
court you need to buy clubs you know have a bag
a proper attire all of that so it is somewhat
of a rich man and getting onto a golf course you
have to pay for tea times and all of that so it is
a it is the rich man’s game for sure but okay so
apparently you got to come outside of the mall and
then walk to this elevator that’s what I’ve been
told so let’s see how this works and then come
to the elevator go to B1 oh look at this still
got a Christmas tree still in the holiday spirit
oh okay so latte observation deck so you gotta go
this way and then I think go down to the basement
and then from there there’s probably a way to
get up to the top so let’s see how that looks
let’s enter this way hello wow look at this
when you enter that’s amazing it’s cool I
feel like I’m entering a club or something
very cool all right so you have to pay
hello Hi how are you if I want to
go to the observation yeah just one
two hundred thirty thousand okay can I pay my card
stay over here okay thank you all right so
um one ticket is 230 000. I think I don’t know
something like that but that’s pretty expensive
um it’s about that’s not too bad I mean USD is
not bad about ten dollars so let me see how much
all right guys so I found the hack um instead of
paying to go up to the 65th floor what you could
do is go to the bar on the 67th floor and that way
you don’t actually have to pay the entrance fee I
think the they charge you for the observation
this guy uh the observation deck which gives
you like a 360 view but from the 67th floor
apparently you can still get a uh a good view
67th is higher than 65th so all right guys
so we are on our way now you gotta take this
elevator up to go to the 67th floor which is
the topmost floor here so we’re gonna go up
one of these elevators should take
us up and then I will show you guys
the view the beautiful view of Hanoi that you
get from the topmost floor all right guys so
this is the entrance to the top of Hanoi the bar
and the restaurant which opens up at five o’clock
so super excited to see what kind of views we
get here this is 67 floors High really cool
I gave up thinking interesting wow we’re really
high gosh it’s so cloudy you can barely see
let’s go see what kind of views
we can get probably not much WoW
we are super high right now
oh my gosh yeah so this is really really
high guys you can literally see the whole
city that’s the one of the lakes that I went
to actually I forgot the name of that one
oh wow so high let’s see let’s look at the
other side so they have a bar here as well
so you can get some drinks I think they have
uh food as well if you want to order food
look at this holy crap we’re so high so I guess
uh from the observation deck probably the only
difference is that you get to like be a little
bit closer to the edge and it feels like you’re
kind of walking on the clouds but this is just
enough guys instead of saying 230 000 to get
into the observation deck I got up here for free
so it’s a little Heck if you want to come check
out and you still get great views of Hanoi you
get to see all of it now if it wasn’t so cloudy
and foggy today you could probably get to see a
lot more but it’s quite uh quite muggy as you can
see so it’s hard to see out into the distance but
here you get to see all of it it’s pretty awesome
it’s a beautiful view but today you can’t
see too far yeah because of the weather is
better the fog yeah yeah when the weather is less
foggy I’m sure you can see all the way down yeah
but still this is the best view of
Hanoi I think that you’re gonna get
quite amazing let’s go check it out from
the other angle on this side they have
like another place to sit down over here look at
this nice place to hang out up here it says love
oh yeah guys you get a really really great
view up here you can stand here have a drink
and just look at the view of Hanoi I think
that building I’ll show you which building I
think is the tallest building here in Hanoi
so I think over here looks a bit taller so
if we look straight ahead over here with my
fingers that I think is the tallest building
not sure what the name of the building is
but maybe we can ask someone over there
oh wow look at this you can sit on this seat
and literally just look at it wow pretty cool
it’s always nice to uh to get a full spectrum
view of the city if you if you’re able to do
it kind of gives you a lay of the land
you know and you get to figure out what
where everything is kind of you know
so I guess that is the West Lake there
that we that I showed you in another
video that whole big lake over here
really nice up here actually I would definitely
uh if you come to Hanoi I would definitely come
check this out and like I said you can get up
here for free you don’t have to pay any money
um now if you want to do the
observation deck you will have to pay
but yeah guys I wanted to show you the other side
of Hanoi I feel like I’ve been showing you the
more inside streets the smaller street foods and
all of that but I wanted to show you that there
are big buildings here nice malls and stuff as
well I always try to show both sides of things and
um you know I guess uh try to do my best to do
that so I hope uh this showed you that there is
another side to Hanoi as well there is a luxury
fancy side to it as well but um you know if you
know me you know I’m I’m No Frills I like to
be on the street eating Street Foods that’s
my that’s my preference but sometimes you know
you got to see the other side of things as well
so guys as I was standing here um you get
a beautiful view of the sunset as well
um and everybody’s here actually just taking
pictures look at that I mean uh it’s almost like
the sun sunrise that I saw in Bali but obviously
that one was a bit more beautiful but still this
is really really nice you got a full view the
full sun really nice guys I would definitely uh
recommend coming here during sunset times
you get to get a beautiful view of Hanoi
beautiful sunset remember guys continue
to learn continue to grow and there is no
growth until you leave your comfort zone and
I will see you guys on the next one peace out
Cuộc sống về đêm ở Hà Nội Việt Nam không như tôi mong đợi!!
- by admin
- May 16, 2024
- 15 minutes read
- 10 months ago

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