all what’s going on y’all so right now
we in district
one we in Japan Town I actually haven’t
walked uh walked this yet I haven’t came
over here I came around here but not
inside so we’re about to take a look at
District’s 1’s Japan Town I guess this
is where they have a lot of Japanese
restaurants a lot of bars you know
the whole the whole experience so right
now we about to spin around take a
look they got Japanese
restaurants now what I heard was out
here all the girls in white or what no
camera what you mean no
camera I’m not pointing that shoe
man I’m the put camera is at me not you
I’m not even paying attention to you
bro everybody is running from this [ __ ]
I guess you can’t have cameras on what’s
bro what no what I don’t don’t touch me
don’t touch me don’t touch me don’t do
that oh you throwing [ __ ] at
me get out don’t do that don’t do that I
break your face don’t do that out don’t
do that don’t do it don’t do
it don’t do it don’t do it don’t do it
you say all right you watch that [ __ ]
I’ll break your
face the
[ __ ] he whing the [ __ ]
out I’m pointing this [ __ ] at y’all
y’all whing the [ __ ]
what [ __ ] is
whing all right all right all
right that was crazy just
there how the
[ __ ] is no camera they ain’t got no sign
saying no
camera [ __ ] just got crazy
damn I ain’t even get the
y hello no I’m good thank you cigarette
I’m good bro that [ __ ] just got nutty
she look like she was about to throw the
chair at
me I really don’t want to uh you know I
don’t want to get there but if she would
have through that chair she would have
instantly regretted that I ain’t going
to lie
cuz how the [ __ ] I know like No cameras
there ain’t no signs here no cameras who
the [ __ ] y’all coming at me
crazy all right I
guess I guess that’s the end of that I
was about to walk to I didn’t know you
can’t have no camera she got crazy just
now my [ __ ]
can well I guess we’re going to walk
around a little bit more see I ain’t got
no problem respecting No cameras however
I didn’t know it’s [ __ ] it’s like a a
Street walking through the street
W if if y’all can’t have no cameras if
no cameras supposed to be there then
maybe there should be signs I says No
cameras you know what I mean I ain’t see
nothing I just got people yelling at me
that was just
crazy I ain’t going to
lie damn why y why y ain’t tell me I
can’t have my camera out there it was
one of y’all actually uh one in the
comment section that told me that I go
should go see Japan Town why you
conveniently left out the part where I
can’t bring my camera that [ __ ] was just
nutty God damn that’s another entrance
today but but immediately as soon as I
took out the camera people started
going going
crazy so now we’re outside of Japan Town
we’re across the street I don’t know why
they was tripping like that I don’t even
know like I guess they doing something
they not supposed to be doing I I don’t
know what the [ __ ] that
is let me ask them hello you speak
English a little bit speak English a
little bit I have a question um because
I walked in there and my camera was on
and people started yelling at me am I
not supposed to have my camera on over
here do you understand I was just walked
and people were just yelling at me like
no camera no camera am I not supposed to
have a camera on over
here do you
know you don’t know I oh you don’t okay
all right but is it
illegal huh is it illegal illegal
illegal to have my camera
on no not illegal yeah I can have my
camera on okay all right thank you right
all right so what the
[ __ ] he ain’t want to answer so I don’t
know what the [ __ ] is going on man I
don’t know what is going on I’m trying
to figure this out maybe
uh somebody could [ __ ] just blew my mind
I was not expecting getting that type of
response I was not expecting getting
that type of response at all I’m trying
to figure out why and they got a whole
ass Hotel
here hello you speak English English no
English all
right I guess not I guess that was no
man I’m really trying to figure out like
am I can I have my camera on and why not
and like is it illegal I guess the
security guards across the street said
it wasn’t illegal but they’re across the
street so I don’t know if they actually
hello these people aren’t
tripping so I don’t get it somebody in
the comments help me out cuz I I really
don’t understand
and it’s not even like I pointed at
nobody like I the only time I pointed at
them was when they came to my
hello [ __ ] might
be hopefully don’t nobody come up to me
and try to like cuz I don’t want to get
I don’t want to get on that type of time
but nobody out here saying anything so I
guess it’s in
there hello hello
hello bro somebody noticed me uh I had
the camera
off I wish I would have asked him like
what what’s going on over
here my guy got the
corn all right so I guess it’s all the
people in the white that be blocking
they [ __ ] face and
[ __ ] I guess I guess maybe the people in
white are doing something that they that
they don’t want to be on camera but they
standing on the whole street like how
the [ __ ]
am I not supposed to have my camera on
on the
street I got to figure this out I wanted
this experience your pain sandwi with I
wanted to go grab something to eat maybe
get some drinks and [ __ ] I was not
expecting that type of response I didn’t
even know it was going to be like that
type of vibe where it was like you know
girls sitting
outside I didn’t know
that I thought it was just going to be
food and [ __ ] you know what I’m saying
man this is all new to me I I wasn’t
this got a lot of Chinese people here
there’s a lot of farm runers over here
visiting I guess well this is still
Japanese I guess this is still Japan
Town oh man
this is the
entrance that I walk
through well I guess there goes that
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- by admin
- September 28, 2024
- 5 minutes read
- 5 months ago

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