what’s up what’s up everybody GP
reporting live from saon hoim Man City
here in Vietnam today is Liberation day
AKA reunification day aka the last day
of the Vietnam war that ended in
1975 April 30th
1975 huge holiday today if you know me
you know have a pretty strong no holiday
policy you’ll see why because um the the
crowd is mad I tried to cross that
bridge matter of fact I did cross that
bridge because I needed to get over here
but they’re not letting anybody cross
the bridge so when you know when there’s
big events like this there’s always
extra drama to deal with but let’s get
this on a positive note um the fact that
it is a quite historical day um mixed
emotions are in the air but this is a
great party they’re going to do a
fireworks ceremony so we’re gonna be
looking for the positive we’re always
going to be looking for the joy and
exploring this beautiful beautiful city
that um hey I got to tell you it’s it’s
modern it’s amazing the food is good of
course you guys know there’s good
Vietnamese coffee I’m on the carnivore
diet so I’ve been eating good steak good
ribs and um just look at this though
guys guys look what I’m seeing it is
absolutely mad out here
tonight and we are just at the uh the
base of the Saigon River and we’re going
to walk up to um some of these famous
landmarks where they’re going to be
doing the fireworks ceremony so let’s
get to moving I’ve got a Starbucks with
me so I’ve got some uh you know fuel in
the tank some gas in the
tank we’ll go ahead and walk on up see
who we run
across check out the festivities and see
what uh see how everybody’s doing so you
see the river here we can just walk
right along the river and it’ll take us
up to where we need to
go you will notice atmosphere is
beautiful everything you’re going to see
definitely appealing to the
eye not just the ladies but the whole um
City atmosphere the whole cityscape and
all that good stuff
but Saigon’s been a good time so far
definitely hello guys how are you how
you what do you drink what do you drink
soda okay no
no thank you guys enjoy nice to meet you
so uh one thing you’ll notice in Vietnam
people love to say
hello taking a few pictures with
people quite nice because um you know as
much as we love
Thailand definitely more frequented by
foreigners so here still still has a
freshness to the feeling
which is nice which is very nice cuz you
get those little genuine
interactions even a cute little
interaction like that just saying hello
how you guys
doing I love it I love
it we got the baseball style helmets
they got the cute motorbike helmets in
Vietnam always great hello hi
guys so I don’t know how to say happy
Liberation day in Vietnamese I should
have learned how to do that she got the
cotton candy
we take a look
here show you guys um the Sky Deck
here get past this
light check that out you got an
observation deck up
there very nice
and this will be just a fun little
Walkin talk give it to you guys in real
time so you guys get a
real feel of what it looks feels like
here if you look under the settings you
can turn on the scratch and sniff
technology so you can get the vibe you
can get the smells of the street and
what’s going on here the good food that
she got cooking here
get your
fish fish
balls nice nice
nice hello guys hello hello
what is she
selling she got qu legs like salad I
don’t know what that was though she had
mangoes drink station
they love the jellies out here the jelly
drinks hello ladies how are
you so I speak
zero Vietnamese I know sincha which is
hello and gamon which is thank you those
two go a long way but that’s where it
stops now we are getting away
from the park the workout park where you
guys saw me doing the exercise now we’re
getting to the base of the river here
this is where the fireworks are going to
be taken place just up here so as you
can see we got the crowd
see of people at this point so this will
be this will be fun to walk
through hopefully it’s more fun for you
guys to watch than it is for me to walk
through this sea of people
hello guys
stick something in the microwave grab
yourself a coffee just buckle up and
enjoy the sights sounds and smells of
so if you guys have ever been to the
Bund in Shanghai China this area that
I’m at right here by the
river really reminds me of the
again oh these beautiful peoplewhere
guys oh this guy was like walking on my
heels now he just
stops some people
man it’s all good it’s all good it’s all
I let him pass and then he just
stopped I think people see the camera
they think I don’t know where I’m
going when if anybody knows where
going it’s the guy with the camera
anyways guys it is beautiful out here we
found a little bit of daylight so we got
a little bit of room to walk
through they said that uh people were
going to travel to other cities people
were going to travel to
dang so this wouldn’t be that
crowded so I don’t know how much truth
there is to that if this is if this is
considered a light crowd or if this is
considered a heavy
crowd looks pretty darn crowded to me
though if you ask
me you got these big screens out
here very
interesting so let me give you guys a
time right
now it is 8:25
my time on my watch is
8:25 fireworks are supposed to take
place at
9:00 so we’ve got
a 35 minute countown what’s up
bro photographer snapped a picture of
me I wanted to stop him and get the get
a copy the
photo but it’s all
right keep it moving for the vid let the
vid flow let the vid
flow please let me know guys if you’ve
been to this
area what’s your experience was like in
Hoi min
I’m loving it here it’s totally
different than
dang uh totally modern
city food has been
great went to a barbecue place last
night got two beef skewers and two
skewers about $2 each
skewer eight bucks not bad not bad
hello hello
guys guy here selling the uh
Toys hello
little TV crew set
up like student student
filmmakers the young to be doing the
their actual
TV probably from a university
I like green I like
green okay guys so I just got to like
kind of the main part so I think that’s
the little entrance for the festivities
here what’s up guys hello
hello so like I said this area kind of
reminds me of the Bund you’ll see this
French AR architecture here these really
nice hotels that we’ll be passing by
again tons of people out here
he’s counting something down I don’t
know what he’s counting
down music
passing by the Hotel Majestic for
anybody who wants to follow along on
GPS Majestic Hotel
there and this isn’t bad I got a little
bit away from the riverfront there and
I’m walking in the street which is
blocked off and I’m able to kind of
navigate pretty easily so that’s good I
like that I like that
oh we got some light show action going
on in the sky let’s take a look at
that maybe a little pre fireworks
show check it
out all
right now
very cool very
cool see what this one is
nice very cool very
cool I like the Cur in the
hair I used to hang out with this
Vietnamese girl when I was in high
school and she would always do stuff
um be halfway ready you know wear
pajamas to
school we were in high school and this
girl would chain smoke on brakes just
like messy stuff
so I don’t know if that’s like
a I don’t want to say it’s a Vietnamese
but it’s a certain type of girl thing
that likes to you know come out with
like the curler still in and stuff like
that it’s kind of cute it could be kind
of annoying too like if you were dating
her I suppose it’s something that keeps
things uh
a little bit
interesting let me shut up and show you
guys the light
show I think that girl was the first
first first Asian girl I saw that didn’t
shave her
legs but we see that quite often in
nice like the tank in the
sky like a No Limit Soldier
cool and this is right near the ferry
guys fairy rise in this area ranging
from a dollar up to $25 for a dinner
see what we got next what we got
nice so I’m guessing that’s the
Palace where the war
ended we’re doing
a we’re doing a walking tour of the city
tomorrow so I’ll show you all of these
landmarks that um they’re probably doing
in this light show and we’ll get an
explanation of everything so um we can
really learn about this beautiful city
and uh you know learn a little bit about
the war and all that good
stuff always good to know because
actually what we’re seeing today play
out is a lot of um the results from
that probably more so World War II but
they all fit together in this you know
puzzle of our crazy world
and again guys check out all the people
out here
oh and by the way this place that I’m at
here Buck dang speed ferry terminal I
believe this is where you’ll buy your
tickets so just opposite of uh The
Majestic Hotel there
and Liberty oh Liberty Liberty’s got a
Sky Bar let’s pop up there to Liberty
and go see what the Sky bar looks up
there want to go check that
out got a little
one we about to mow her
over hello ladies
thank hello guys
hello it’s liberty liberty Central is
supposed to have a Sky
Bar let’s go
see what it’s popping up
there could be packed with people with
reservations I’m not sure
hello is the Sky Bar open today yes but
you can you need to buy a tiet sorry you
need to buy a tiet how much is that uh I
think you can come here and uh uh buy
dat here huh you can come here and buy
dat here you I I don’t know the rate
okay well I don’t want to buy a ticket
right now cuz there’s another one up the
uh up the street that I wanted to check
out okay and I don’t think I want to I
don’t want to stay up
there okay where do you buy a
ticket I want to go to Sky Bar oh you
just go straight there oh just go
straight there have you have okay thank
you go up
okay 1 million people look
people say hello hello hello
hello oh it’s a spot
g e f
e g e o f r e
y g e o m r e y
a g o f r e y it’s time for the
twerkulator it’s time for the
twerkulator shake what your mama gave
you shake your money maker hey it’s time
for the twerk later it’s time for the
twerk later it’s time for the twer it’s
time for the
twer GP I fly with it anywhere I’m at
that’s my city need a bad little [ __ ]
to ride with me want to bust a couple
nuts come slide with she got big ass and
some big titty we hit the city where we
get busy I take the sign of bonus with
no cap shout out to my Hustler stack
that cash [ __ ] the club for them free
throw the B like it’s free throw look
and fly whereever we go get the bag like
me go like Schwarz [ __ ] I’m the
Terminator and this [ __ ] claim she the
twerk she SL down the post she deserve
the paper now twerk it shake that money
make it’s time for the twerk later it’s
time for the twerk shake with your m g
Shake Your Money Maker hey it’s time for
the twerk later it’s time for the twerk
it’s for
twer twer ging grind set I take the
cheese platter with the wine set no Cas
still P fine [ __ ] mport chick it’s a
mind game I’m inside it
rolling okay so I love the Sky bar but I
love to be around people even more so I
don’t just want to stand up there stand
in one place and show you guys the
fireworks I want to mix and mingle and
uh I like showing the see a people back
and forth between the fireworks it’s
8:45 right now so we have about 15
minutes before the fireworks starts so
we’ll tool around we’ll uh explore a
little bit more there is a nether Sky
Bar we’ll see if we can hit that one up
just to take a look and see what they
look like for anybody who’s interested
because they do look like a good place
to take a date or to go hang out and
whatnot but um like I said we got the
festivities going on and I want to be
right in the mix and in the heart of it
I don’t do the uh big big crowds often
so when we do let’s capture it on the uh
on the
video I got it brother I got
it he’s like I’m a dad I know how to do
it he’s like I’m a pro already I’ve been
in this game
yeah man as as cool as that was I think
uh well for me right now I’d hit that
pool up on a lazy afternoon but when
we’re out here hitting the block let’s
hit the
block you dig y I
mean got the boys out here
all right you come out hit the streets
and just outside of the Hotel this is
one of your landmarks if not the
landmark in this
area what’s up
buddy this statue right here the
sorry Tran hung da statue that is your
major landmark
in this
area very cool very cool very
cool what’s up what’s
up I love Vietnamese girls with the
okay all these um cute Vietnamese girls
wear the
glasses random sandal
oh and this is the Renaissance right
here we’re just walking past so that’s
where the second Sky Bar
is I think we
have enough time
to pop up there and go take a
look check it out the guys got the uh
their batons with them in case anybody
Hy saw that girl on T last night
careful when you’re out filming with the
little ones cuz you can’t see the little
rug rats okay here’s
the Renaissance
Riverside IED I used to chill at the
Renaissance in
La so let’s
see there’s any um similarities
there hello guys go to the Sky Bar yeah
the live behind the wall LIF behind the
wall yeah the topof yeah behind the wall
okay thank
hello he said the lift behind the wall
and here’s the lift behind the wall
so let’s see here we still got a few
left yeah 8:49 right now so what I want
to do is just pop up show you guys what
it looks like up there and then probably
same thing we’ll pop back down get back
to the
street I think that’ll work
looks like they got a nice restaurant in
Seafood Little Buffet set
up got your salads I see potato salad
right there and my man right
here and everybody just showed up as
we’re waiting for the elevator
oh here we
nice yes this way how about you hello no
uh you have a reservation before no are
you staying here I just want to take a
look can I just take a look one one
minute just one minute okay thank you
J thank you brother
and that’s a liquid Sky bar right there
man this is fun man this is a fun video
to make I hope it’s um enjoyable to
watch yeah man just to give you guys an
an uh IRL in real life feel of hoochi
man in this area like I said It reminds
me of the Bund in um
Shanghai um totally unexpected for me I
just didn’t know that
um Vietnam was this developed now dang
is great where I stand dang I thought
that was kind of unique and from what I
understand it is unique because it’s the
cleanest city in um the cleanest most
well well um kept up area City in um in
Vietnam but this one I mean hoian is is
nothing to sneeze
at I mean they got the Renaissance here
same thing same thing as um what I would
see in La actually I think this one
might even be a little bit nicer than
the one in
La it’s probably newer thank you guys
thank you guys good
all right so
back back to the block back to the block
let’s go find a good spot to post up and
uh we got about probably about 3 minutes
before these fireworks go
off mini
heart see again again with the glasses
again with the glasses
you got to love them you got to love
them and that was the girl I saw on a
Tinder there’s a lot of people around I
want I don’t want to go put her on
blast maybe I’ll run across them later
who knows
oh but I can say guys for the uh as far
comparing the ladies in dang to the
ladies in
hoian I’ve seen a lot
more hot ladies just in passing and this
is what my second full day here the
first day was you know the first day was
just arriving
and arriving from the airport grabbing
dinner and that’s it but um yeah
something something about denying it’s
not quite as
frequent thank
you come on come
on you can rent these bikes out here I
think you get an app and then um do it
all through credit card and QR
code they
called get a little rental bag around
city but yeah man if you’re going to dat
if you’re going to dat to be the girl
she got to
be got to be one of the ones with the
count doesn’t count if she doesn’t have
glasses hello guys sow
sowow even
her doesn’t count doesn’t count this
one those ones count those ones count
points oh they’re
starting stay focused GP Stay Focus
we got trees in the way guys give me
just a
moment everybody’s going to go to the
same spot to try to
find look everybody out with the
phone I’m filming them I’m filming them
filming the fireworks filming this
so we get past these trees real
quick don’t worry guys we got 15 minutes
we got 15 minutes don’t
worry looks pretty good though looks
nice all right this looks like a good
very very cool very
cool okay guys that was Liberty Central
the first Sky bar that we went to but I
like the one at the Renaissance a lot
better I thought the one at the
Renaissance that’s more my taste that
was fancy
glad I came out this is very cool happy
to see all these people out here um
enjoying this
Vietnam hasn’t fully recovered since the
situation so it’s good to see everybody
out here having a good time
and again not not overly crowded I’m
able to navigate right now
this is awesome this is very very cool
fore speech
all right
guys I think we got enough fireworks for
our uh for our
blog I can’t imagine just sitting there
15 minutes just showing you guys only
fireworks 15
minutes we’ll pop out here we’ll talk
for a
second this is really
amazing 100 points
Yeah man so
guys really just have to be
grateful for everything that we
got this is really amazing all these
people out here everybody’s smiling
everybody’s having a good
time good
feeling and to think it’s um
celebrating peace and the end of
War a lot to think about with everything
that’s going on right now in the world
just be grateful guys for what you do
getting your journals everybody should
journaling write down those goals hit
those goals
guys you’re doing good you could be
better if things aren’t so hot stay in
there it will get
better I promise you it will get
better for
so freaking
cool I really like it
I don’t normally like Fireworks shows
like that for that long but
um in a good
mood feeling good feeling
good every time I’ve come to Vietnam I
felt really really
good I’m going to walk down so we can
kind of wrap up again guys there’s the
that was the fancy Sky
bar but really I just want you to take
in all these
people and everybody’s out
here obviously things change you know
meanings to things change over
time ending of the war doesn’t carry the
same weight as it once did and there’s a
lot of pain associated with it so it’s
more um
more of just a holiday and a
celebration at this time at this point
in the
game nonetheless to
see all these people coming
out just shows the universal human
connection beautiful to
see Good Feeling
and really I wanted you guys to see the
city I wanted you guys to see the
people did you guys know this city was
modern I
didn’t honestly even in doing my
research I didn’t realize that it was uh
This Modern I mean this is same level as
Bangkok from what I’ve
seen might even be a little bit fancier
but it’s probably the area that I’m into
this is district one by the
way and again there’s your tran pong Dao
statue that’s one of your major
landmarks in this
area drone out here
fireworks still
going it’s hot out here
so yeah
man pop on over here people with
motorbikes out
here I don’t know how they got I don’t
even know how they got
through all right guys thank you guys
for hanging out
listen very very cool video to make
happy that we did this one half we came
out here and uh experienced this like I
said I always love being in Vietnam I
don’t know what it is something um it’s
just got a good vibe to me just got a
good feeling every time I’m here I dig
it I dig it so hopefully that gives you
a little look at hoian hopefully that
gives you a little um feeling of
nostalgia or a feeling of a universal
human connection that we all
feel guys I know the world is [ __ ]
crazy right now be grateful for what you
got start writing down in a journal what
you’re grateful for what your goals are
if you’re uh like I said if you’re in a
slump it’ll pass if you’re doing
good sorry guys sorry guys I know you
guys like to see that
stuff if you’re doing good you could be
doing better um I’ve been doing a lot of
cost of living videos lately and we’ve
see we’ve learned from those videos that
you need paper to do what you want in
world uh learn from what I’m doing do
better than what I’m doing guys I’m on a
bare minimum I’m I’m pulling it off but
um you guys who are younger than me you
can probably take a little page out of
my book apply it and do even better if
you’re older than me you guys probably
uh already have it figured out better
than me so thank you guys for rocking
with me thank you guys for hanging out
thank you all are supporting on the o on
the patreon hit up Jeffrey peterson.com
for all the upto-date links that
um we may have updated by the time of
this video and again guys check out the
uh Universal human connection out
here all the folks
out so many people
man amazing
so the fireworks just
ended seas and seas of
people it’s a beautiful thing
guys so again thank you all for hanging
out I appreciate you guys please like
share subscribe all that good stuff and
like I said head over to Jeffrey
peterson.com for all the latest updated
links and other sites for um you know
raw uncut unfilled altered vids that uh
you may want to check
out this is amazing guys I love yall I
love you guys thank you again for being
here Peace Love
hello hello
if I can change the world I’ll make it
better for all of
us get there
someday we get there
somehow don’t it feel great don’t it
feel good now to all the people around
the globe everyone filled with hope
trying to get they boat to flow
so they don’t cry no more cuz we all got
to reach our goals to survive I’m doing
all that I know I’m moving forward I’m
leaving Footprints I got a hustle man I
keep pushing get on the mic and say what
I feel I’d rather see the ocean with no
oil spills every kid every day should
have a hot meal they should never go
hungry and you know that’s real I
probably change the world if I could try
to understand all the Misunderstood do
all the little things that we already
should if we live like that it would be
all good if I could change one thing
about the
world make it better for all of us yeah
if I could change one thing about the
world oh
someday we’ll get there
someday we’ll get there
somehow don’t it feel great don’t it
feel good now we get this Som day we get
somehow don’t make feel great don’t it
feel good now I sit and think sometimes
are we really this blind this homeless
on the Block begging for a dime but what
would happen if you hit hard times cuz
hous is hit in forclosure when you’re
down and out feel like life is over
everybody acting like they don’t know
you cuz you only got a few real soldiers
what if the people of the world was
closer past the greetings and nice to
know you I guess it’s based on how we
was brought up and what our elders
taught us but if you open up your eyes
then you’ll see think for yourself see
everyone’s unique we are the change that
we seek and it can happen if you believe
if I could change one thing about the
world make it better for all of us yeah
if I could change one thing about the
someday we’ll get there
someday we’ll get there
somehow don’t it feel great don’t it
feel good now we’ll get there
someday we get
there don’t it feel great don’t it feel
good now I can change one thing what
would it be let’s see I’d like to see
more Unity if you thought about it I
think you would agree we more the same
IND different you and me some have degre
some come from the street but we’re like
one great big family and if I fantasy
and you water the tree and the leaves
represent all the people we reach just
imagine what it would be like if you
went ahead and change your life how you
feel inside when you reach New Heights
Focus your eyes cuz the dreams and sight
but sometimes the words get stuck in
your head and you can’t stop thinking
about what you should have said forget
about the past to the Future instead the
message is love that needs to be
spread we’ll get there someday somay
we’ll get there
somehow don’t make feel great don’t feel
good now we’ll get there
someday we’ll get there
somehow don’t make feel great don’t feel
good now I could change one thing about
world make it better for all of us yeah
if I could change one thing about the
world oh
someday if I could change one thing
about the
world someday
- by admin
- May 6, 2024
- 25 minutes read
- 10 months ago

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