Cuộc sống về đêm Việt Nam (da Nang) Tôi bị sốc! Da Nang có phải là thành phố tốt nhất ở Việt Nam không?

where are the girls where are they do
you use dating up or do you go to the
guy directly where you get from me where
you get from
me no why I should be married you girls
are you single this yeah but it’s more
Latin America like Vietnamese people are
they open to meet EV Foreigner what is
your type of
guy today we’re going to ask people
what’s going on during the night life
here because we are anung area what’s
the name of this Street I don’t remember
this street what’s the name what moay we
go there and we’re going to ask people
what’s going on during the night life it
is good in D oh no let’s
go yeah I used to I used to party a lot
in that street I think it’s so far the
best one but we still are in the foreign
come with me we still are in the foreign
place of the city because if you cross
the bridge on other on other side you
you can party but it’s going to be more
local more viames
how’s the night life in Danang you just
arrived I I know you right from Spain
right it’s really funny because I know
this guys what’s your name my name is
Alisa I’m from Russia but now I’ve been
living in Spain like for 13 years that’s
a lot I know Spain is known for the good
lifestyle and stuff how you how you do
like this yeah but it’s more Latin
America what do you think about
lifestyle here Alisia this fun is this
boring Tuesday no like you enter the bar
on Tuesday and you can find a really
nice mix like in gatan or somewhere and
it’s really nice it’s okay then you have
fun on Friday and Saturday but when it’s
even on Thursdays then it’s even better
if you compare Spain and Vietnam which
one is the best for NTI oh my God it’s
not fair because uh you can’t compare
Madrid to to danan but it has a
different style it’s like more like 20
years ago in Spain okay it’s more
friendly more open you are in the future
or they are old
here all right that was the first one
that’s really funny because I know this
guy actually they live in my building
her sister just arrived in the building
and uh come from Spain so that was
interested because span they are a
little bit crazy about biry right okay
when we came here we see another friend
over there so we’re going to try to
catch them the French
people let’s go I love what do you think
about the night life in the name
how’s the night life in the name yes
it’s good better than
FR which one
or where you come from bordo Baux you
wine there is any wine here this wine
okay there is everything but I ask you
man what about night life in Denning
it’s good yeah it’s okay it’s it’s okay
for a couple
yes it’s okay it’s okay to find a new
boyfriend I but you can’t find I’m going
to ask them I’m going to ask them it is
good to find a boyfriend D I have an
husband I I don’t have husband are you
rich what are you rich maybe if I’m rich
or go with me I don’t think you don’t
feel it no I don’t think you are rich
what about the night laugh in the name
man good you so good you yeah it’s PR
good you you’re perfect bro everybody
have a good night
then what do you think about night life
in Danang no sorry we are very new to
Danang this is our first day so you
don’t have any idea no all right great
you maybe you have a to no no this first
day first day yeah but maybe you can
have a idea on uh what’s going on here
do you feel the vibe or no no not yet I
feel a Vibe similar to Goa maybe Goa in
India we have a Goa It’s a Party Town
okay so it’s similar to that but maybe
if you ask me it a few days back few
days later then we will get a right
answer today I cannot say that you will
discover that right yeah I need to disc
you guys can drink alcohol yeah
obviously yeah we do this is not for
Biden in the religion or something
something so you guys will drink alcohol
have fun and stuff okay okay have a good
night what do you think about the night
life in dang uh sorry not girls go
around the outside the outside
outside what do you think about the
night life in the N back again what do
you think about the night life’s
back now it’s a little quiet I
think a it’s normal normal quiet
yeah what was the question I’m sorry
what do you think about the night life
in dang oh I love living in dang
compared to what comparing to another
country it’s like really I’m from Poland
H so comparing Hanoi it’s much better
for example I was and so maybe it’s not
about the fun but for example if we
compare like nature it’s like much
better oh I love it and you man what
about dating here do you do you have
your wife or your girlfriend around here
I’m married you married married for real
yeah all right you are married guys show
me down on MTV you married huh are you
married no why I show you married dang
is good to have fun when find a
boyfriend I don’t know they they find
each other apparently it is good for NTI
dang no why you don’t have girlfriend
and stuff no like no young people from
from Europe well where you come from UK
uh Denmark yeah more fun more young
people the girls is more beautiful in
Denmark I are the girls where are they
you two you think the same where are the
girls not here we we arrived yesterday
leaving tomorrow all right but like the
best place so far in Vietnam must be
Hanoi but we’re looking forward to go to
hushim Ming all right and if you’re
looking for girls did you try uh dating
up no no you’re more like straight to
the girls and that’s it I I have used
Tinder are you Us in there it’s working
or no it’s not only local people coming
uh you don’t like local yeah I I I do uh
but but my type is more like uh
Scandinavian or european people yeah
what you got from me where you get from
me you go where’s your energy from I’m
from France and you let me interview you
where’s your energy from French eh yeah
French uh Paris marceli Leon I know a
few cities none of them but you you’re
not too far bro I come from the north
it’s really boring compared to here I
love D wish city the city is Kang is
really small City it’s quite one what
about yourself where do you come from
America where about uh New Jersey I live
in Asia I’ve been here for 2 years and
um uh I I kind of do like a Visa Run so
like Bali Bangkok and yeah do you got
what kind of questions do you got the
question is what about what do you think
about night life here in dang in terms
of everything I [ __ ] love it well the
sad part is that this only one lane
which is really happening the rest of
the lanes they’re like pretty dull and
just a bunch of Koreans and Chinese this
is like the only hippie Lane that there
is in the did you try to party on the
local side I kind of did the local side
is across the Dragon Bridge and no those
[ __ ] just drink like hudas and
[ __ ] like they they they don’t speak
English you can’t party with them like
what are you talking about your body
language cuz I’m Italian and Indian I’m
mixed race do you date any girls here or
man maybe I don’t know you man tell you
what I’m not into Vietnamese shakes but
I’ve had like uh some blondes that I’ve
been dating here like some Russians and
[ __ ] like yo I love those I love the SC
I love the Slavic girls I love I love
Eastern Europeans so do you see the
potential of that place where all the
Russian girls I love it dud this place
right now is like a Russian village you
know what I mean it’s literally like a
Russian village cuz they’re seeking
refuge and they want to find like a safe
spot they find your apartment hey
eventually they do eventually they do
all right great I love it great great
talking to
you what do you think about night life
in dang oh oh man it’s good it’s amazing
uh compar it to Europe I think because I
was like in Europe in like few countries
so and uh it’s my f first Asian country
so the parties here are something else
that is amazing I love it like you can
find whatever you want like what kind of
party you want what’s the best place to
party over here uh okay so this street
is like really nice you can like hang
out party after that you like it I love
it are you single single I do I am is it
easy to have friend here yeah it is if
you’re friendly it’s easy to have
friends everywhere so what is your type
of guy oh my type of guy oh my God me
just like I don’t know I don’t like
light so my type of guy is that one that
is like confident and know what he’s
doing and know his [ __ ] speak slowly I’m
from Russia I can’t understand you yeah
you understand and you speak perfect
English what do you think girls about
the night life here if you know little
Dunning too much
drink very funny place a lot of bar with
another music and Korean club we try
sometime Bar Korean bar Korean Club yeah
oh and uh do you have fun here around I
mean you girls are you single or do you
have a husband and uh and boyfriend or
boyfriend no are single no for now no
and me but my girlfriend is just right
there really but I want I want to I want
to ask you um is it easy to have fun
here in terms of uh everything a man a
drink and stuff I think so yeah okay
same and compared to Russia what’s the
difference night night life here and
Russia I’m from Ukraine Ukraine what’s
difference uh language okay maybe if we
say about Club in my country maybe more
club with electronic music deep house
like Dr rap something like that do you
use dating up to meet some
people maybe I don’t know yet all right
maybe let’s see let’s see all right hey
blurry blurry uh City oim all from saon
saon are you local okay what do you
think uh the question today is what do
you think about night life here uh in uh
in the
compared to Saigon AR we like having a
is contest today you really have like
what um actually I don’t do like a lot
of Night Live activity in uh in saon I
just because you’re shy kind of you’re
not lucky today you have the guy who
jumping you with the mic and stuff
what’s the difference between Danang and
Saigon in terms of night life it is more
crazy in Saigon you know of course it’s
like SE it’s like the center of
everything so much more crowded I guess
the is like more chill people are
relaxing but in seon they like crazy I
guess last question do you think as a
foreigner if the Foreigner want to come
here in Vietnam a half party he should
go to saon or will come here in dang
it’s quite depend on like your taste in
partying or you like to sit in chills
maybe dang would be a choice all right
but if you want to have like crazy KN
like kind of stuff
yeah maybe seon would be a better choice
all right I really love the way you
answer so I will add more question okay
um do you think people if they come here
in Vietnam and they want to date
Vietnamese or Foreigner whatever they
should uh they should use dating app or
they they should just go to the people
like Vietnamese people are they open to
meet even Foreigner or or it is better
to use a ding app by your point of view
from your point of view yeah let me let
me just think of it for a bit sure sure
sure quite tricky yeah sure like for I
don’t actually understand how you can
reach out to a girl if you just like
directly contact to the girl you like
something so for you it’s natural to
have the first Contact on uh the social
media I guess maybe they app would be a
choice if you want to have like options
and time and like people have the same
intention to looking for a partner and
having a good times or like short-term
commitment something like
holiday kind of okay but if you like
want to have a long-term commitment uh I
don’t think dating app would be a good
start I don’t know maybe just it’s my
option it’s my opinion only I really
appreciate your way to develop thank you
very much thank you thank
you okay what do you what what is your
name Pina Malina balina and you Bina
balina balina okay like Bali but
balina all right chill Dalia Dalia where
do you come from from Russia from Russia
Russia both okay question is simple uh
what do you think about night life here
Denning night
life it’s our first time when we here on
night like first night yes so you will
discover that tonight right yeah but you
first night you arrive you go directly
outside like ready to party and stuff
well not party exactly but we’re here to
see to check everything out cuz we
decided to start with something local
and cozy and maybe then we will go over
there where all the fun is I think
you’re right that’s perfect and it’s
another question because we have
different culture right I want to know
if are you single yes I’m married you’re
married Al so okay married yeah I’m
single you’re single so let’s imagine
you want to have fun and maybe meet
someone a guy to to have fun or whatever
maybe for ser
okay do you use dating up or do you go
to the guy directly like dancing and see
the vibe well I think usually uh it
happens at work because at work there
are people who you you interact with
every day and that’s why it’s kind of
easier because when you go somewhere and
meet a stranger it takes much longer
time and you do not know the schedule of
this person where he works and it might
be complicated but if you work with
someone already you already know you
have a common background it’s much
easier so for you maybe it’s more easier
during the day maybe and see the vibe
and how it’s going during the day right
and not when people drunk and and stuff
like that definitely not not my thing
okay thank you very much and you seems
to be very wise girl and I wish you a
very good night so what is your name and
where do you come from uh I’m Alex I’m
came from Russia oh you come from Russia
amazing um the simple theocc is very
simple tonight is like what do you think
about uh night life here in dinning M uh
I think it’s really chill but a lot of
uh experts and locals are going to the
bars drinking beers and stuff but
nothing too crazy as like in Bangkok or
something like that so it’s pretty chill
I think for you for someone who come
like around just to have party it is
better to go where maybe in the biggest
city in Vietnam or maybe Bangkok as you
mentioned yeah yeah if if we’ll compare
like tenang and Bangkok I would say the
the bodies are more crazier in bang can
you tell me the difference between party
in Russia and here in daning
uh yeah yeah I think in Russia people
tend to make bodies at home at at
someone’s Place yeah okay yeah it’s a
lot more often at someone place than in
the bars or clubs or stuff I got you
okay kind the same for us in your in
France and Las Kish are you single no no
you have your girlfriend yeah all right
all right so I cannot ask the last
question all right okay thank you thank
you very much Alex right okay thank you
man have a good night thank you sorry
for disturb wherever you travel you will
need need insurance if you want
something flexible and affordable check
out safety Wing in the link below take
care and I see you in the next one


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