you like to eat this one yeah of course
really good I like ja
one M
yummy hello
that’s do you come before this one uh
yeah sometime okay yeah uh take me go
inside okay okay
go oh
to the room okay okay okay w i first
time try this one wait you no need to
wear off the shoes I’ll
yeah W now you’re very
cute what what you eat tonight um you
told me you like UD and
I and I just some sustain for just
enough okay yeah okay
you order you
familiar oh I first time see this in
Dan sit on the
Chain we think the food come then we
talk about uh ask some you about your
bar uh what’s your plan this year uh in
the 2025 I want to more one more big
room for the service for the the group
is a big group people for example is
more than 10 people un the 20 people in
in in in in the col bar yeah because now
I’m open new a room big oh you focus
dang first yeah oh you have the plan to
open a new shop in other place like H
yeah yeah I’m thinking about this much
because I want I very like H or Japan
but now um now I have I am I have um
trouble like uh I have a take care of my
my parent oh yeah so I cannot move
cannot go too far yeah to go too far
many time for the building a new bar so
I think um I want to maybe the two year
more I want to have a shop in the chipan
or in the hotel for your curent bar what
is your
the uh most challenging
more challenging difficult thing in your
bar like uh how like maybe some
stuff with few month and leave then the
new recuit then you have to
retrain is that what is the CH
challenging thing in your bar yeah you
know I’m working in the bar the for next
year is a seven year so anything I I I I
I I I uh uh in anything problem I can TR
in the past time so now I think anything
is normal for me I just want to know
it’s a forgot on about the how to the
trending lady do good service and uh
retra about the top gole oh top Google
yeah it’s it’s a Google map I have Oh
you mean the cogle review right yeah
yeah because I see your review is still
still remain the five star it’s very
I you know about the when you open many
problem about the outside and inside
outside like new open or the so many so
many of course I don’t worry about it
because when you open the B you have to
make sure about the freefare how to
freefare and this is the fency in the
many time when you running about which
is more important which is not important
yeah and if you um
train about the model of the bar or the
train about the how to care the service
maybe it’s influent on very very hard
when you um open the bar and your your
bar in the famous or
not okay come on yeah so and about the
lady I think TR is a um very um um
necessary because when my
more come again against many and if you
come many time and just all fa it’s so
boring so it’s it’s three mon I want to
train the new F but the good girl and
beautiful girl and the can the girl can
speak Chinese or Japanese I want to keep
uh more long time oh because if you
retrain then maybe the new girl is not
experience ah no experience no
experience course because you know in
the in when you do in the Mar in ferency
maybe is um not Advantage not is it is a
disadvantage for you because as a many
many FY maybe the working cannot be like
oh the first time I the and I try try
to because uh your customer is about um
may come from the Chinese and also
Japanese so same same same so do do your
what you
want so do y
lady can speak the Japan okay your lady
can speak the Japanese and also the
Chinese so they Lear them themselves or
you have provide some cses for
them your your girl can speak Japanese
also can speak a bit Chinese to you is
they learn uh themselves or you have the
C for for them to learn ah sometime I
you know I uh I have a course in the
first time but it’s the lady working and
no more working and no more so it’s so
hard to the retain the course for the so
if the lady want to upgrate about the
Foreigner language is themselves oh they
learn themselves oh yeah I see I see
then do you add and when
you um hire the new record the new stuff
do you have any requirement like the age
and also
the AG and also the height
C about the
the you know it’s the Japanese and
Chinese just like very slim it’s okay
very yeah short is not important oh and
the F beautiful beautiful and also the
slim yeah the age is not important ag ag
ag oh because for example I’m now at the
trend of 31 years old but my fa is not
so it’s a ag not important oh AG is not
important oh the most important is a
beautiful and slim but I just want to
look up uh the body and the face if they
suitable okay I’m okay but you know if
now you so young or two old but your
face is not suitable cannot work it ah I
see I
see like this
weird not not used to eat
this one
same not same no same wa this one it’s
been this one is what um no wa this one
it’s this is
sh no it’s same you see
same some
eat huh someone
eat not same not same black is very
expensive then what this one is what
what is this one huh no why this one
oh okay okay you can TR yeah you’re
yes you can eat very good but you cannot
eat that yeah yeah
okay show me how to
eat you like to eat this one yeah of
course very good I like Japanese
one M
yummy okay
okay okay
many people cannot
eat okay still okay okay okay
Đà Nẵng hẹn hò người mẫu Việt, cuộc sống về đêm Việt Nam! Cuộc sống về đêm Việt Nam, hẹn hò cùng người mẫu Việt!
- by admin
- January 21, 2025
- 5 minutes read
- 1 month ago

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