let’s go Germany it’s slam this is
equality I party and my friend bar not
here no in my friend there is a
party what’s the craziest thing puppy
did on
uh what you try to finesse me out of 00g
you finesse the back of my hand [ __ ]
what the [ __ ] is you talking about [ __ ]
is you talking [ __ ] ass [ __ ] what
happened to your toes when you ask
questions oh la la la is getting
straight up the Roose the gentan he
knows how to approach the girls legit
four girls pull my TI and like I almost
died got talk what’s the craziest thing
you’ve done in Vietnam crazy
Vietnam I love Vietnam is people is
there any better par place here I don’t
think so we don’t think so I love the GU
this is main party destination of hoim
Vietnam this is what you mean Saigon the
main Port this stre of south of Vietnam
in this video we’re going to explain you
in details how B Works how the Party
Works we’re going to go into the prices
we’re going to go obviously into the
prostitution because obviously any Night
Live party place has prostitution or
child you’re going to be you’re going to
be literally hit this is walking street
but no problem cars bikes I don’t know
also things you can do here and
obviously things you should definitely
avoid where you from London what do you
think about parties in Vietnam is it
crazier or London oh this for sure where
or no
English where you guys from Anna Germany
Germany no way what’s up bro what’s your
name my name Kai United States in this
[ __ ] what part what part Florida
Florida Florida yo Florida in the house
what’s the biggest difference between
parties in uh Florida and in Vietnam
Vietnam there’s too many prostitutes
Florida they just got all the cool
people like me walking around down the
street with Patron bottle I you I’m
walking down here with a [ __ ] B
what’s up brother what’s your name where
froma how is the party going on brother
very well what you think about parties
in Vietnam Vietnam is better than I
think it before what’s up brother what’s
your name k where you from Brother Japan
how is the party going on in Vietnam
brother ah so fast again you are from so
ladies what are you doing tonight we
don’t know it’s your first night hour
here second where you from brother I’m
from India Mumbai or Chennai north of
Delhi you’re from the capital yeah so
you rich yeah
bro we finding difficult
people what’s your name brother we are
paring where you from New York New York
how is the vi being H you me brother I
don’t know about to find out New York
night life absolutely crazy what do you
think what’s crazier hoim or New York
right here what’s your name brother you
tell where you from Brother wait wa wait
wait one second one second brother is
going crazy bro one second bro one
second how brother H are we we great bro
we great Australia Australia from melin
bro craziest party people in the world
let’s go
mourin bro yo yo wait wait you said
nothing bro we the at Host how crazy are
we going tonight oh let’s get [ __ ] we
are partying inim crazy party
Street we
do what’s your name brother my name is
an what’s up where you from I’m from
how’s the party going going over here
brother so far so good man just start it
I’m here from M’s day what’s crazier
Australia orim tonight I’ll say what’s
the craziest thing did Vietnam
what’s your name bro yeah my name what’s
the craziest thing you see
here so this is main for destination of
hin what’s the
name poai Yeah so basically as you can
see we’re tables literally in the
streets so literally people drive and go
crazy bro this is one of the busiest sh
here and people still drive we’ve seen
cars [ __ ] we see cars we see bikes we
don’t give literally [ __ ] about
it bro people are shy as what’s up
brother you where you from come here bro
shy is back what’s up hi what your name
everybody shy here hi
bro no bro I do interviews part part it
says I look like s prayer bro I sh in
Vietnam we don’t know why what’s your
name my name ly brother where you from
from Cambodia you’re from Cambodia
Legend so what do you think about
Vietnam uh from Vietnam I think it’s
good for the night time B best so what
do you think is it better than Cambodia
yeah I think Vietnam party yeah is
better because yeah for the night time
see a lot people and a lot fun here for
how long have you been working here for
uh I’m working here for like 7 years 7
years what’s the craziest thing you seen
here boy I see here like the people
they’re friendly they kindly and they
have you a lot when you don’t know
everything yeah brother now let’s dive
into the types of venues we have here
you’re going to find lots of massage
massage cost roughly $10 $12 per hour
which is obviously nothing bad we’re
going to do back massage food massage
we’re lots of places I don’t know which
one is better but obviously if you come
here at the midnight you can try out I
don’t know if it’s going to be
professional I usually don’t go these
type of places I usually go more
professional place but obviously see
what’s up maybe you get some happy
ending or who knows we have bars the
biggest difference between this party
Street and other party streets I’ve seen
like let’s say in Thailand or even in
Malta is that they have tables and we
have the chairs literally in the street
no kids no kids no kids no kids we don’t
kids in our videos people usually sit
and party in the street so we are lots
of uh speakers and the music is pretty
high and we have one friend here what’s
your name yeah where you from Kuba Kuba
do you dance here no yes not no nor no I
what you do what you do I am dancer
professional dancer you’re professional
dancer we met a guy over there he’s
Cuban as well Cuban boy do you know him
he’s my friend okay so what do you think
about parties in Vietnam I don’t know
are they are they better than Cuba no no
better and what’s the best thing about
working here in Vietnam normal I don’t
know this is my first time doing this
normally I have professional dance I
don’t know but if people like people can
call so where are some venues which are
literally like uh restaurants and was
our drinks where venues who have dancers
over there our friend CU friend we was
dancing those are mostly like uh
nightclub so what one is poai B said is
good nightclub I don’t know check it out
where’s another over there is just cabia
and on the both sides it’s the same
owner apparently this is over here our
friends we we’re going to come back
later drinks are really really cheap the
price is obviously at the end of the
video what’s up brother what’s your name
my name where you from I am from
Vietnam are you paring tonight uh I’m uh
feel feeling good I am feeling good are
you going crazy tonight bro or not yeah
yeah yeah this is our bro if you see him
he has really cheap drink beer for less
than $1 so get him get him thank you bro
so what’s better partis in Poland or
parties in Vietnam uh the people the
people is better than Poland yeah Poland
so girls are cuter in Poland
Poland have you been ever of course I’ve
been bro of course for show for show
twice bro you polish as well I don’t
know he doesn’t know so are you going
crazy tonight what’s the craziest thing
you’ve done in uh Vietnam I’m going to
crazy tonight because this is the last
day in Vietnam and you going back to
Poland bro it’s going to be really cold
really cold what’s the craziest thing
you’ve done in Vietnam crazy Vietnam
crazy so out here Japan has really good
parties what do you think are the
parties better here in Vietnam or in
Japan and what’s the biggest difference
of course Osaka is better Osaka Osaka is
a better yeah yeah why why where is it
better than Vietnam hotter hter just
hter okay okay okay okay so what you
think people go crazier here on inaka
crazier course here is the crazy what’s
the craziest thing youve done here in
Vietnam oh yeah one girl want to invite
me to get inside the store and I I was
on a tie four girls pull my tie and like
I almost di I got talked so four girls
were pulling you yeah yeah okay okay
okay forc into getting into the bar did
your friend help you no bro friend need
to help bro it’s not good it’s not good
bro how much are we spending tonight I
don’t know yet but I think about 200
maybe more $200 $200 Polish people have
budget Polish people have [ __ ] budget
enjoy get [ __ ] up smash all the girls
you can and have a good trip tomorrow to
Poland leg thank how much are you
spending tonight in uh what you me
around 2 million 2 million 20 million so
it’s roughly $80 right 75
75 $100 is it ARA ARA artina so what did
you do last night where did you go any
nice nightclub over here last night we
sleep no B no
and what do you think other parties here
better on
L she says it’s different so oh la la
he’s getting straight up the rose the
gentan he knows how to approach the
girls Legend it seems nightclub what do
you think about party stre it’s amazing
all the places including anoi dang
whatever you say what would you say
what’s the best party place in
Vietnam what’s the craziest thing you’ve
done in hot is that your girlfriend my
wife oh your wife he’s the wife so he
cannot do anything crazy so you part
your wife no problem yeah it’s our kind
of third honeymoon together okay we’re
really enjoying this place I see a lot
of Indians like AR thinking couple I
think we’re like the is going couples in
the world because we’re not jealous we
go to B parties no problem I like this I
like this bro what’s a craziest thing
youve seen in here yeah no no not crazy
not crazy chill yeah chill
only two no ready
C okay in Vietnam we are having issues
people are shy I hope we’re going to get
content are we going okay or so so
what’s up brother what’s your name nice
to meet you where you from Ador again
beautiful oh people don’t talk over here
or if they approach to the mic we don’t
know how to talk it’s difficult to make
videos in Vietnam unfortunately oh
where’s the show where’s the show let’s
go so what’s the craziest thing you’ve
done here well we’re all working holiday
so nothing too crazy chill yeah for my
first time seeing chill Australians
Australians always go crazy I I wear
glasses say I’m chill very chill guy
okay one last question how much are you
guys spending every single night you go
out in
h maybe $60 Australian I’ll give you a
good night not bad I love Australian
bring more Australian to yeah B was
easier in B people will talk easily here
people are shy what’s your name brother
my name is you from we are from Europe
we are doing a video about party sh over
here I don’t drink thank
you are you from Vietnam
vietn I love people I never got like
gifts over here what’s the craziest
thing you’ve seen in the street are you
and this and my friend I you happy IAM
happy and resting yeah thank you brother
okay okay now we just got a rose now we
got we got three roses from vietnames
people we got some food he was giving me
drinks but obviously while we doing
videos we canot really drink so the
concept of this TR is quite different
from other party Street other places
when you go to Party street it’s usually
getting drunk but here you’re going to
be seeing people socializing and more
likely not only drinking but eating when
we finish work we come here and get
drunk but it’s like long dinner we drink
and we eat so what’s the best thing
about parking in poim on the first side
I quite like all the colors the colors
yeah you see all the LEDs here a lot of
lights a lot of lasers we like it London
is is a bit different right very
different it’s more like conservative
too cold one of the best things
obviously in South East Asia is the
climate at night it can be going out the
only thing is the rain so if it rain
obious need to go inside if it doesn’t
rain it’s really hot how party it go
crazy day and night now as you can
imagine every party through on the world
has a lot of prostitution obviously
achievement is not an exception when we
were starting filming at the beginning
of the street literally was full of
prostitution little like boys I don’t
know the prices but obviously be careful
I would never recommend you to do
because obviously anywhere you can get
laid for free a Vietnam this is worth a
Vietnam [ __ ] right here it’s a [ __ ]
right here in the bottle [ __ ] [ __ ] you
talking about [ __ ] uh a million
doong [ __ ] can you Chuck it can you
Chuck it I was saving this for for my
friends down there but I take a SI
though listen bro listen I’ll give you
500,000 right now if you check it we
already drunk two bottles I’m already
[ __ ] up bro let’s go no no no okay
what was the craziest thing you done
know you know I had slap the [ __ ] out of
bmes dude cuz he tried he tried to
finess me on a taxi he tried to charge
me 200,000 more dong I was like bro this
what the price he like no this what I
said [ __ ] ass [ __ ] shut the [ __ ] up
[ __ ] ass [ __ ] you try to finesse me
out of 200 dog you finesse the back of
my hand [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is you
talking about [ __ ] you talk [ __ ] ass
[ __ ] and I and I said CIA [ __ ] so now
we’re going to go to the prices we just
sit down so basically this is how it
works chairs are really really small
chairs are tiny obviously for Europeans
Asians obviously it’s okay tables are
really small as well this is the
cheapest uh beer with Saigon be and saon
are the cheapest beers it’s literally
less than $1 0 does not get any better
product 80 cents for a beer in a place
Omar got a drink in a supermarket in B
how much was it $6 thank you so much
here in a venue in a bar you getting a
drink for 75 cents it doesn’t get any
better guys we do sha as all sh $5 a
chil and we do space really cheap $2 per
drink so this place is extremely cheap
at least twice cheaper than Thailand if
you go to bars in Thailand probably
going to be paying for $5 per drink I
mean and this is extremely cheap I like
it good Vietnam how would you rate this
guy zero to time she’s shy she’s shy I
don’t where you from Germany he’s German
as all he said you’re really cute he’s
cute too okay keep or slap but I don’t r
no rating kiss or slab kiss or slab no
ring I have a boyfriend what bro I tried
I tried hello we had we have a tourist
BS literally passing by oh where is it
where’s the second one where’s the
second one it’s AB crazy like there is
no space even like for people to work
and even the buses come over here this
is unane hi brother how are we we great
bro we great Australia Australia from
Melbourne bro craziest party people in
the world let’s go
melbour bro yo yo wait you said nothing
bro we the host how crazy are we going
tonight oh let’s get F what do you think
about parties inim about what it’s so
great crazy C I’m from uh berin what
from Berlin
really we are speaking in English for
the video what’s the craziest thing you
can do right now right here so we took
some balloon full of what’s it called
for w up yeah so would you give her a
kiss friendly kiss would you give her a
kiss yeah of course sorry we have to go
now 1 2 3 Let’s Go
Germany where you guys from Brazil the
best country ever I’m from Belgium okay
so Brazil and Belgium I think the best
mix what you guys think of about parties
in Vietnam well they’re gray but I just
miss Brazilian party so much cuz we
party every [ __ ] time depends on what
you like I’m not even going to tell you
about the parties in Belgium it’s bad
it’s worse than brail you don’t like
right I mean the French speaking part of
I love the
guest okay this guy his start SL a what
what his start SL yes for sure okay one
two three don’t go crazy slowly okay one
2 3 go slowly slowly slowly Brazilians I
want to see Brazil
seuality this is Brazilian
equality what was the craziest thing you
done in h Vietnam I can’t even tell you
game if only that was the craziest thing
one of them yeah so one thing missing is
baget tonight to him my besti yeah baget
to Besties always always hey let me
interview you let me interview you I
have a question for you go ahead are you
ready always what happen to your toes
when you ask
questions I’ve seen you I’m just
crawling the does it the way move yeah
the way move so for like I’m f i I’m
fible you flexing I’m flexible I don’t
know I don’t know I didn’t notice but
yeah do you have another question uh
yeah what’s your name where you from um
from Germany from Germany and why do we
talk in English if you’re from Germany
what’s the biggest difference between
New York and what you me nine so many
chicks outside you feel me did you get
late today I just started bro it’s 1:00
a.m. bro still ear bro it’s slow bro 1:
a.m. 1:00 a.m. bro I wake up at 12
that’s how we this is this is New York
wife bro New York wife bro what’s the
best memory you have from Vietnam this
is my first time so we’ll your first
time so we are developing it we are
getting it I have too many things in my
hand so this was the craziest party sh
in kimin let’s some of the experience
and see if it’s worth it or not so first
of all extremely cheap as you saw drinks
are 2 250 beer is less than a dollar
which is really really difficult in
whole Southeast Asia now the street
itself is really beautiful you have
really cool lasers Neons [ __ ] outet
Australia is always on fire Australia
withk London reing it repping it [ __ ]
out mate having a even crazier bro yeah
you on YouTube yeah yes brother ask me a
question what was the best thing about
Viet vietn the weather people I’m going
to have to judge on The People Thailand
people are a little bit more friendly
these people are a little bit hit Miss
bit crazy yeah great time [ __ ] up here
be relaxing be nice you would love it
the climate bro compared to London
everybody’s pring right now in London as
I was saying you you go out at night no
problem if it doesn’t rain the street is
on fire some Vietnamese gave us Rose
gave us food and we are offering drinks
obviously when I film I don’t drink so I
refuse but Vietnamese people really nice
thank you for Hospitality as the guy was
saying hi people are more isy going here
don’t [ __ ] up thanks be chill cool we’re
going to love you the street was
absolutely wide in sense of cars bikes
and buses even buses we are passing in
the middle of the street this street is
really really really [ __ ] Biz now how
the [ __ ] you’re going to go buy your car
inside the street I don’t know now
interest of the crowd mainly you’re
going to find local people here with a l
of Lookers goodlooking dining chilling
and relaxing I was told this place was
going crazy like from 7 6 then people
finished to work we come here and uh get
[ __ ] up obviously and chill we a lot
of Backpackers uh you’re going to be
seeing a lot of bupers from Australia
we’re people from UK as well and we are
a lot of Indians as well the music was a
little bit strange Omar saying there was
some commercial music but I was saying
mainly like Electro some crazy hardcore
music you come here and you’re going to
find out but it wasn’t like hip-hop R&B
wipes no the prostitution is not like in
Thailand we’re going to be obviously I
ni some protitution here lady boys etc
etc it’s not as crazy as in Thailand not
so many okay so that’s good positive
thing now local people don’t really
speak English that’s actually big
problem because sometimes it’s difficult
to communicate with uh Vietnamese learn
how to communicate with your hand or
learn Vietnamese which is difficult I
was trying to learn how to say thank you
and I’m having good problem so good luck
party ends apparently pretty early as I
was saying it starts early and it ends
early so midnight it gets already pretty
chill so the best hour is to come here I
guess like 8: to 11: and one last thing
what I found out here people are a
little bit shy we were trying to
interview people we would not speak some
people we don’t speak English even now
you were find like Irish people English
people sometimes we were chill and
relaxed in Talent people are way Wilder
you’re going to see in following videos
guys I really hope you’re going to like
the video I really hope you learned
something in this video and see you
parting in Talent
ĐƯỜNG ĐẢNG HỒ CHÍ MINH! Hướng dẫn cuộc sống về đêm ở Việt Nam
- by admin
- January 5, 2025
- 19 minutes read
- 2 months ago

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