shout out to
Australia I have everything what you say
me you need I have everywhere is
something to do everywhere is people
everywhere is quity oh busy busy happy
birthday ah spent 38 hours in allow
prison man no way he’s going to cook you
up with bottles and ladies right L yo I
have lady for
this is the famous party Street of Hanoi
the capital of Vietnam tonight we’re
going to go check out the Ezekiel 25:17
the path of the righteous man is truly
his brother’s keeper oh okay and I will
strike down a furious anger bro what are
you talking about man Legend So tonight
you’re going to go and check out the
night life of Hanoi what do you think
about night life of Hanoi just it do you
like it beautiful what’s the best thing
about friendly people such friendly
people and um everyone smiling everyone
smiling check it out Legend thank you so
much appreciate so this is the the
street pretty small it’s not like H H
party Street way way way bigger this
particular street is extremely straight
now it’s going to be difficult to pass
by where you from bro China yes sir yes
sir yes sir yes sir yes sir we’re really
really small bars I didn’t really see
like nightclubs we small bars two
different floors pretty busy right now
Wednesday night shouldn’t be that busy
but it’s still pretty good right for
Wednesday yeah and yeah so the big
difference between hoimin and hanai here
we are a lot a lot of foreigners so most
of the people here are B [ __ ] inim we
are finding so many local people but
here mostly
foreigners what’s your name where you
fromi Australia you to Australia no I’m
not shout out to
Australia I love Australia but I’m not
from Australia where you from we are
Europe Spain and uh
oh Spanish I love it so Naomi what you
think about night life oh it’s okay yeah
yeah she strict she’s strict been out
English English yes where you from
England where are we going tonight we
don’t know we don’t know we’re going to
find out where speak Chinese me so
that’s pretty good it’s a good start
where you guys from UK Australia Canada
brother you as well legend legend mix
what you guys think about night life in
hanai couldn’t get better it’s awesome
man 24/7 fun okay okay I like it it’s
the best it’s the best why is it the
best what’s the best thing about
nightlife in Hano you know what I’m
going to say the city never sleeps man
like you go out at 6:00 in the morning
there’s just guys running around moving
around people are on the go constantly
all the time all night all night and the
people are the best in the UK you cannot
find people like oh you Australian right
actually Australian are really cool I
didn’t know anyone two days ago and like
I came here and met all these people
Vibe is the best over here
yeah she’s speechless what’s up brother
what’s your name it’s Chris hello where
you from Chris I’m from the Philippines
Philippines yeah bro what you think
about nightlife in Hanoi actually this
is my last night and it’s really really
crazy are you enjoying so much fun I
will definitely come back here it’s
craziest thing you done in uh in Hanoi
um I keep it to myself I keep it to
okay bro hell what’s your name my name
what’s the craziest thing you seen here
English bro what’s the craziest thing
you’ve seen on this street on this stre
yeah 2 1 Let’s
goom he got
he the party here is crazy what’s the
craziest thing you’ve seen on the street
yeah in the street yeah or in the club
so you can enjy right now always
so DJ J all the way
from so we just got in uh to a nightclub
we went straight to the DJ obviously it
was a lot of fun the club the bar was uh
pretty small was really cool I liked it
definitely recommend you to go obviously
I’m not getting paid anything for this
this is not paid promotion bro but was
cool what’s up I I I got to say I I
really love bang RS you know that that’s
what night life about and Vietnam is for
me bang R that’s that’s true to here so
what’s the best thing about these TR
honestly the bang ran when someone comes
through the bang R I’m I’m over there so
what’s up what’s what’s going on over
here it’s all about the bang R stop it
get some help it is all about the bang R
that’s why has 700k followers on
Instagram Legend brother where you guys
from we we’re all from London we’re all
from the UK my friend here he does food
reviews I do party reviews bro where you
from I’m from Vietnam what’s the best
night club over here little little
little what’s up brother hello brother
how are you good good how are you I’m
fantastic how about yourself good are
you from brisb as well no I’m from Perth
which is the best city in Australia is
it it is how is how is night life in per
night life in Perth to be honest is a
bit average we’re talking about nice
life of Hano what you think [ __ ]
unreal to
be where you from are you drunk bro
where are you from from Spain Spain
where you from I’m from here let’s go
Vietnam are you working here number one
viam number one no SP number one number
one okay thank you nice to meet you hi
ladies French no okay no problem shy
people always so we saw a police car
running down the street and all the bars
are closing I don’t know what’s going on
if it’s a legal issue it’s only midnight
right now so it’s going to be really sad
if everything Clos down at midnight so
people are going inside the clubs it’s
like in Thailand in C Road 3:00 p.m.
everybody goes inside the club let’s see
so yeah actually we shut down all the
tables too the shet was full of tables
on the street not only on the payment
and now everybody’s going inside the
club where you guys from hi I’m from the
oh that’s so cool are you guys uh
related yes yes family okay so you guys
party in family of course perfect
perfect I love it so what you think
about night life in Hanoi that’s perfect
very good very busy like it yeah hi
what’s your name zizzy zizzy where you
from I’m from here from Hanoi yes okay
cool what’s the best party place here um
just uh drinking and uh have a bar have
a CL yeah which one is the best one I
don’t know you don’t know H I know 1900
1900 yeah it’s cheaper cheaper is it
good wife good music maybe good music
because too many people come here it’s
many student come here because they uh
too much money is cheaper okay so this
is mainly like for students and B
Pockets right yeah
yeah Dr
M I want to my mother in
Spain from Madrid we are from
bos BOS BOS how is night life in bang in
Hanoi sorry very good it’s nice I
recommend is it Burger cheaper or Hanoi
for the night Hano cheaper he’s ready
best end of party food is a ban ran it’s
a sugary Vietnamese donut mate it’s
going to top of your night he’s going to
try tonight can use it till you start
off your night and finish off your night
you know it’s got a dual purpose that’s
what’s special about it I mean look if
you had to theci side I would recommend
it half before storing the other half in
your pocket and finishing with the other
half you know I wouldn’t commit to
having it all before all after exactly
you need it before but you also need it
after you know you’re obviously going to
get worn out you know the night life’s
fantastic if you ever watch Napoleon
Dynamite the movie great movie he stoes
T Tots in his pockets after lunch break
at American High School that’s what I do
with my ban hands I stole half in my
pocket need that Sugar Boost after night
out give it a little Munch and I’m ready
to go what’s the craziest thing youve
done in hanai I don’t know but I think
the style of the people is very crazy I
you like what do you like about the
style of the people the modern the
people is very modern they make a lot of
things in her hair that are is there any
crazy you can do right now right
here don’t can you do one pushup a
push-up push-up h no no no push-up no
because the the floor is very is there
anything crazy you did in Hanoi uh maybe
the masses crazy I didn’t have one but I
heard not yet not yet but massage is
crazy okay so you’re going to be doing
massage later on maybe I have one yeah I
love this G what’s the best thing about
night life of Hanoi um Everything is
slers Everything is Affordable what’s
more affordable night life in uh
Philippines or uh here it’s kind of
similar but of course here better place
better views not to be
better place better is we’ll see I’m
going to Philippines in January so I’ll
check it out Legend thank you everywhere
is something to do everywhere is people
everywhere is party everyone is nice
yeah this city is really really Lively
always busy busy busy friendly over here
that’s really true in Holland people are
way more serious right and really fast
here it’s like chill right bro what’s
the craziest thing you’ve done in
Hanoi [ __ ] is there anything crazy
you done in hanai so far not that i’
like sh no not on the camera boys not on
the camera what you think think about
nice Han uh so far it’s pretty good I’d
say compared to like places like I’m
very sorry about those ladies they are
very far what happen uh Hano is good but
I would say places like Bangkok I’d
probably say so far throughout my trip
Bangkok has probably been the best place
okay it’s crazyer it is crazy a lot
crazier but this is only my first night
here so anything crazy you’ve done in an
i oh no it’s my first night here so not
yet so not yet not yet we know Australia
are crazy so yes yes no we are I really
hope our brother is going to be doing
something crazy here
tonight somebody got shy straight out to
the camera everybody get shy to the
camera I don’t know why anyway wait to C
all the chairs from the street and now
people going more in the club side bro
what’s up come here what’s up okay
what’s your name H and you are you from
here yeah yeah I come from the blue okay
Legend brother Legend sometimes they
don’t speak English so sometimes I be
shy anyway this was way busier before
right it was really difficult to pass by
here the question of the night what’s
the craziest thing you guys did in Hanoi
specifically Hanoi I haven’t done
anything crazy I mean La is la is a
little different but here is pretty
chill here is pretty chill La is crazy
yeah la is crazy bro ah spend 38 hours
in a la prison man no way tell me more
stay away from the weed and La brother
what what Happ they made me bribe them
to get out but at first I’m like no I’m
not paying the bribe they took me to
like a proper cell just stuck me in
there for the night how much did you pay
5 million K it’s like 500 Canadian 500
he not bad to get out of jail I was like
[ __ ] that was
you got to be careful with the party you
got to be careful don’t doing too much
please what’s the best thing about Night
Live here um I think my friends your
friends better yeah I think people
another yeah hello hello hello where’
you work bro where’ you work where did
you work which is your
bar is it good nightclub no Lake noake
noly okay what’s your name bro my name
is Chris where you from I’m from Vietnam
H City H City you work here yeah I’m
working here are we here okay Z body top
one from I have everything but you say
me you need I have what’s the craziest
thing you’ve seen uh on this street over
here oh I don’t know something everybody
come here just look just happy balloon
you know happy balloon happy balloon
drinking yeah drinking and and a body
and expensive I don’t know what’s your
name ah SP no no no no no no Chile
what’s your name Maria Maria how is your
actually he’s the best is your boyfriend
no yeah my best bro what’s up brother
what’s this this is Hanoi party night
life Hanoi hello talk to me so what do
you think about night life in Hanoi
night life in Hanoi pretty mcky I’ll be
real okay tell me more good fit Birds
some [ __ ] Birds okay but you know what
English man myself you know you leave
England to get away but these Asian
ladies are not liking English are we
real I don’t know what’s going on it’s
either I’m crap or they are just hating
me and they’re racist I don’t know
what’s the craziest thing you done even
know him listen when I eat bangr man
shut your [ __ ] ass up only bang I’m a
man of many words but bang Ran’s the
words of tonight what’s the crazy thing
that what you it’s the craziest man like
this the vibe just the everyone people
everything everything is crazy is night
life better in Hanoi or in Holland I
think uh it’s different it’s hard to
compar it’s very hard to compare here
everyone asking free shots free shots in
Netherlands they would never give free
shots how many free shots do you get
tonight a lot a lot yeah yeah yeah yeah
no problem so Omar what do you think the
night life so far Hano or what you mean
yeah so it’s smaller less busier than
the party Street in hoimin but
personally for me this way more wi beer
than hoimin as I said like we a lot of
foreigners here as well and it’s still
busy but this time in hoim it was pretty
empty right after midnight in Haim gets
pretty empty here it’s still going still
going and I think it’s going to get even
busier next uh 1 hour so let’s go check
it out see more crazy people bro promote
your bar what do you have what what
offers do you have promote your bar I
have everything sir I have a this combo
beer I have a wi so you have 10 beers
for roughly $50 yeah you see this combo
1 million F but 10 milon this but you
order for me this this happy order you
have the combo of the bottle yeah for
million of50 right two soft drinks one F
okay so you get one of these bottles and
you get all the soft drinks right five
balloon okay so this is basically 90
bucks right $90 it’s worth it it’s worth
it it’s not crazy expensive sorry bro uh
don’t worry you come here you play this
combo I have you order gun to get girl
gun free our friend what’s your name bro
my name Chris if you come to Hanoi party
Street find Chris he’s going to cook you
up with bottles and ladies right yeah
lady lady you’re AO I have lady for you
crazy [ __ ] you’ve done in Hani crazy
[ __ ] man I’ve only just got it I’ll be
honest right now I’ll keep it real I
guess you I got it 2 hours ago kit on
Straight Out start is it how is the
wiping Hano party wipes really fun but
we need like more likey pyy like night
gles we don’t find them like they are
far away you don’t like bar wipes you
like more junga junga wipes right no no
I like the bars but like we need more
like class maybe in the beginning like
uh if you want to start this is okay but
then you need more if you compare the
night life in Chile yeah it’s overnight
I mean you got to have fun all night
yeah it’s 2 a.m. here everything is done
so yeah it’s really different what’s the
craziest thing you’ve done in Hano
nothing special the people is so nice
yeah nothing crazy chilling start
chilling yeah so guys we just got home
from the most famous party Street of
Hanoi I really like the wipes where a
lot of Backpackers a lot of foreigners
and the wibes were absolutely absolutely
good now this s was pretty small with
small bars where were no any nightclubs
the place we went in was pretty good but
it was really really small if you’re
going with shisha stuff like that it’s
good you won’t find like big big night
CPS now where a lot of people selling
drugs obviously this was absolutely
insane like every single person even the
bike drivers were approaching to you and
they like hey would you want some some
you want some bro let me [ __ ] Al
please and now in terms of the prices
apparently this is the cheapest party
Street in Hanoi beers were like roughly
$2 as you know twice as more expensive
as it was in the south of Vietnam hoimin
still not bad price the bottles were
between 90 to 120 bucks which is not bad
but uh still we’re in Asia it’s MTA
prices roughly now where were a lot of
working girls and even in the street
people were approach to you and what was
this guy he approached to me he was like
hey hey do you want um do you want boom
boom do you want boom boom he was
showing me the picture of uh I’m not
going to say Obviously what the picture
was about now it was a Wednesday night
so for Wednesday night it was pretty
busy it was pretty W Hanoi definitely
approved and I think we liked more Hanoi
than pimi right Omar party places in
Vietnam Hanoi better than H guys I
really hope you like the video I hope
you learned something about Hanoi about
hano’s night life make sure you comment
what your experiences we are if you’ve
been to I know if you planning to come
let me know where we going to be going
and follow for more tips
ĐƯỜNG PHỐ HÀ NỘI! Hướng dẫn cuộc sống về đêm ở Việt Nam
- by admin
- January 13, 2025
- 16 minutes read
- 2 months ago

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