Hà Nội Việt Nam RẤT HOANG DÃ về đêm 🇻🇳 Đi đâu?

Friday night around 11 p.m i am in hanoi vietnam and i’m curious to see what night life is open back up again so come along with me we’re going to check out a few venues and see what is open 2022 All right so that was pretty interesting a place was called ci mixology and i went there because i was told it had very good cocktails and it did but it was one of these places you see a lot in asia the setup of the bar it’s like a bar or a lounge

But then the music is like super crazy loud club music that place is definitely marketing to like a very wealthy crowd and it’s very lovely in there but you have a bunch of nouveau rice young people trying to look rich and not really looking like they’re

Having a lot of fun so not really my vibe i had a manhattan which was delicious if you want to just like go and splash a bunch of money and have some good cocktails maybe check it out but i think we can do better i’m back

Out here on the street they’ve shut down all of the streets around the lake there’s just all sorts of stuff going on there’s like little tiny kids out here at 11 30 at night huge circles of people playing hacky sack that’s interesting let’s go take a look

I have never seen this much hacky sack in my entire life they make it like a national sport here i guess so i’m walking up the east side of the lake to check out another place and there’s just all these folks out here having fun these guys are dancing

Okay so now i’ve stumbled into the rollerblade zone apparently they have hoverboards too i don’t see anybody charging money so this just seems like a communal roller blade situation going on here that’s pretty awesome wow okay i don’t know if you can hear it yet but up ahead we have

Some sort of communal rave or singing outdoor dancing concert thing going on let’s see what that’s all about So those guys just have some acoustic guitars and we’re putting on a little concert that’s pretty awesome by the way if any of you are wondering about the masking situation in vietnam right now after dark it’s looking like maybe 50 50. in the daytime almost everyone’s wearing masks still

So um keep that in mind if uh you’re sensitive to that when traveling here Okay so i’m out of the walking street area now and as i get farther away from the lake it’s gonna get a little more quiet i heard about one place called lavish that also supposedly has good cocktails with a name like that though i’m a little afraid it’s gonna be like

The last spot it’s just across the street so may as well check it out it’s not even midnight yet there’s already quite a few folks stumbling around falling over drunk not uncommon to see in asia okay so this address behind me is where lavish the cocktail bar is supposed to

Be sure doesn’t look like it but in hanoi there’s a lot of hidden spots and there is an open walkway so let’s see what’s back there yeah i don’t hear anything or see any signs or any people so i’m gonna write this one off as l let’s try something

Else let’s head over to beer street which is sort of one of the main areas here and see who’s over there We’re getting really close to beer street now which is one of the main going out areas but i think they tend to close on the earlier side and it’s almost midnight i don’t know if this is a coveted thing or always but bars are supposed to close at midnight here many don’t

Many do so we’re gonna see if beer street keeps going after midnight hi my friend how are you how are you This area is super touristy and a bit shady so if you’re a man by himself coming here close to midnight definitely expect multiple people to offer you things you’re not supposed to be offered just be warned all right so as you can see plenty of people out on beer street even just

Before midnight none of these folks are going anywhere anytime soon so not exactly a club or a high-end vibe but really really fun although i hear some loud music coming from this direction so let’s go have a look So it’s definitely packed here and uh math squaring drops to about zero percent so uh definitely a pretty interesting place to check out if you’re looking for parties [Applause] that’s 1900 club which is one of the more popular clubs here looks pretty packed but i’m looking for somewhere else a friend of mine owns Okay so this is the place my friend owns his name is maurice he’s american called babylon too let’s go check it out So this maurice babylon 2 family business a cool bar very packed with people this whole area is definitely hopping right now so if you don’t know where to go this area it’s a great place to start and this is a good bar to start at eat born Just like whatever Mozzarella six no baby all right so that is a really cool bar but it’s a little more intimate right next i wanted to pop into 1900 which is a lot bigger more club-like see what that’s looking like [Applause] Oh So i had to check it out What’s your name All right that place is called a local and i popped in there because they’re playing gangnam style which is the coolest song ever very small place but super good vibes like everybody in there was really happy to be in there all in all beer street is pretty wild and uh

They got a little bit of everything they got the 1900 super club these smaller places no matter what you’re looking for you can probably find what you need here i first came to hanoi 15 years ago and i remember going to a really sick club

Down by the river i don’t know what the name was but i think i would remember it if i saw it again so i’m heading over to one place called the lighthouse it’s one of the oldest clubs in hanoi it’s by the river i think it may be the one that i remember

But like a complete idiot i’m gonna walk there at one o’clock in the morning because why not this is the walkway going over the main north south road in hanoi used to be a dam so it’s elevated in most countries i would be afraid right now but not in vietnam

Okay so i’m probably lost now but we’re almost there we’ll see if google’s right you close already too early whatever people don’t know what they’ll come here one a.m come here cool thank you yeah okay this is ridiculous i mean just look at how dark this

Freaking alley is this place is out in the middle of nowhere they have an instagram and a facebook that haven’t been updated in over a year everyone i talked to said that the lighthouse is poppin after 10 p.m this whole neighborhood looks like it’s about to be torn down

So anyways i finally find the place and it’s about 12 45 right now there’s literally nobody there like not a single soul except for the people behind the bar is like yeah come back after 1am so i guess maybe the lighthouse is uh the after-hours spot now i don’t know

Maybe we’ll come back there in a bit for now let’s go check out west lake all right i have to talk a little more quiet now because in this neighborhood it’s a lot more underground like everything is underground here let’s go check out this club which is hidden in a basement Bacardi Oh All right so i just came out of that club they have cheap drinks and helium not a ton of people it’s definitely a very local spot probably not the right place for you let’s do a quick recap here we’ve checked out fancy cocktail place a couple places that don’t exist west lake

And beer street and honestly after doing all of it i feel like beer street is the only way to go if you don’t know this city you don’t know where to go just come here there’s dozens of places one of them is going to work well for you All right it’s a little before 2 a.m i’m heading back to the hotel there’s still people drunk skating all around the lake which is awesome this is a great city there’s so much going on here the weather is amazing it’s beautiful they got the trees i hope you guys enjoyed

This video i hope that this gave you some insight into what the nightlife is looking like right now leave a comment down below let me know what you think also i’d love to hear your thoughts which of these bars or clubs would you go to and why

Thanks so much i’ll see you on the next one


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